
  • 网络Benefit Corporation;welfare enterprises
  1. 到1994年底,全国集中安排残疾人就业的福利企业总数已达6万个。

    By the end of 1994 the number of welfare enterprises mainly employing the disabled had reached 60,000 in China .

  2. 福利企业作为集中安置残疾人就业的特殊企业,聋人占据一定数量。

    Welfare enterprises are special enterprises for providing employment opportunities for disabled people in which the number of deaf people account for a certain percentage .

  3. 与此同时,我国的福利企业制度,也在社会主义建设中寻找新的思路。

    Meanwhile , China is also exploring new breakthroughs to improve the welfare system of enterprises .

  4. 除福利企业安置以外,国家机关和其他企事业单位也吸收部分残疾人就业,并鼓励残疾人个体开业。

    In addition , Government organs and other institutions and enterprises also employ some handicapped people . At the same time , the country encourages the handicapped to open individual businesses .

  5. 社会福利企业的和谐发展,需要坚持企业理念和谐,发展战略和谐,内部管理和谐,进而广泛推进企业与社会的和谐。

    Harmonious development of social welfare enterprises needs persist in harmony of enterprise ideas , harmony of development strategy , harmony of internal management , hence widely push forward the harmony between enterprises and the society .

  6. 福利企业对残疾人就业具有重要作用,本文研究了我国残疾人就业的现状与问题,并探讨了福利企业对残疾人就业的特殊意义。

    Welfare enterprises played an important role in disabled employment . This paper studied current situation of China 's disabled employment and existing problems , also explored the significance of welfare enterprises to the employment of persons with disabilities .

  7. 派驻人员工资福利与企业脱钩,受安监局直接领导

    Accredits the personnel wages and welfare and the enterprise gets unhooked , An Jianju direct leadership .

  8. 引人注目的是,我们没有在提供取卵福利的企业名单上看到谷歌(Google)的名字,但粉丝们不必担心谷歌会置身事外。

    A notable omission from the list of businesses offering ex-utero benefits is Google but fans of the search giant should not fear its entry into the process .

  9. 弹性福利在企业培训中的运用研究

    The Operational Research of Flexible Benefits in the Company Training

  10. 在这个竞争的时代,员工福利是企业吸引人才、留住人才、激励员工的重要举措。

    In this competition time , the employee benefits are an important action in attracting , detaining and motivating the talented person .

  11. 残疾人教育机构、福利性企业事业组织和其他为残疾人服务的机构,应当创造条件,开展康复训练活动。

    Departments of education , welfare enterprises and institutions and other service organizations for disabled persons shall create conditions for rehabilitation training activities .

  12. 我们通常说的福利和企业福利,是为员工或者集体谋利益,这些福利和腐败有什么关系,表现为何种形式等;2、腐败和福利腐败的关系。

    The commonly called welfare and enterprise welfare aim at pursuing the interests for the employees and the collective . What is the relationship between welfare and corruption ?

  13. 影响家族企业人才流动的主要因素有:管理制度、薪酬福利、企业的环境条件、人力资源的合理规划与开发、有效沟通、激励机制等。

    Affect the flow of talent by family business the main factors are : management systems , pay and benefits , corporate environmental conditions , human resources , sound planning and development , effective communication , incentive mechanism .

  14. 产业集群内企业进行合作创新时,合作企业间的距离越近越好,其技术创新水平、产量、利润和社会福利随企业间距离减少而增大。

    When the enterprises in industrial cluster innovate with cooperation , the better the closer distance between the cooperative enterprises , its technical innovation , and quantity of production , profit and social welfare will increases along with the distance between enterprises reducing .

  15. 因此,当我们减少穷人的福利时,企业福利会增加。

    So corporate welfare increases as we reduce welfare for the poor .

  16. 薪酬福利是如今企业实现员工保留的至关重要的因素之一。

    C & B is one of the most essential factors for talent retention nowadays .

  17. 限制工资,削减社会福利以降低企业成本。

    And ( 4 ) to con-trol the wages and reduce social welfare to lower the production costs of the enterprises .

  18. 为了控制债务,它削减对其公民的福利或对企业的支付。

    It either cuts back on benefits or payments to its citizens or payments to its businesses in order to get its debt under control .

  19. 接受客户的委托后,我们会全方位了解客户企业的背景、文化、薪酬福利,以及企业的需要和困难。

    To accept a client , we will full understand of customer business background , culture , pay and benefits , and business needs and difficulties .

  20. 而在这种定价原则指导下的定价模式是兼顾消费者福利和电信企业利润的双赢定价模式,这种定价模式强调以顾客为中心,是电信企业和消费者之间的正和博弈。

    The pricing model guided by such an effective pricing principle is a win-win pricing model , with increasing both consumers ' benefits and telecom enterprises ' profits .

  21. 增进社会福利意味着企业要为社会成员创造积极的利益、改善和提高人类社会的整体发展水平、促进社会进步、提升人类的尊严。

    It means enterprises should create positive interests for social member to promote the social welfare , improve the whole development level of the human society , and promote human dignity .

  22. 第三章主要从工作态度、国企吸引力、工作环境与设施、福利保障、企业与社区归属感等方面对工人的工作、生活变迁进行了描述。

    In chapter ⅲ, it mainly described the work and life changes from work attitude , attraction of state-owned enterprise , work environment , social welfare , belonging of enterprise and community .

  23. 得到如下研究结论,国有银行知识型员工流失影响因素的影响程度大小排列如下:职业生涯发展、福利薪酬、企业文化、自我价值、工作自主。

    Obtain the following conclusion , the influence factor of the loss of knowledge workers in state-owned bank descending order as follows : career development , welfare compensation , corporate culture , self-worth , job autonomy .

  24. 地方政府的目标函数包括了消费者福利、国有企业利润、从跨国企业征收的利润税和关税,最终目标函数是各地方政府目标函数的加权。

    The objective functions of local government contain consumers ' welfare , profit of state-owned enterprises , profit tax from multinational companies and tariff , while the ultimate objective function is the weight of each local objective function .

  25. (一)提取储备基金、职工奖励及福利基金、企业发展基金,提取比例由董事会确定。

    Allocations shall be made to the reserve fund , bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers , and venture expansion fund , with the ratio for such allocations to be determined by the board of directors ;

  26. 该结论表明,相对于公平保障和发展晋升,待遇福利在影响企业绩效提升方面体现了更为重要的意义,这就意味着企业通过改善员工的待遇福利来提升绩效可能会达到事半功倍的效果。

    This conclusion shows that in relation to equity-security and development-promotion , treatment-benefit is more important to improve business performance , which means that enterprises improving treatment benefits of employees may achieve more with same work so as to improve business performance .

  27. 同时,计划经济向市场经济的转型,企业单位福利解体,企业职业福利、社会保险和社会服务从其中分离出来,共同构成与市场经济相适应的多层次社会保障体系。

    At the same time , the economic transition from planned economy to market economy induced disintegration of enterprise dan-wei welfare , EOW , social insurance and social services were separated from it , and finally all the three parts constitute multilevel social security system adjusted to market economy .

  28. 雇员持股计划(ESOP)作为雇员福利,它是企业年金的一种重要形式。

    ESOP , regarded as employee 's welfare , is an important form of supplementary pension .

  29. 福利满意度对IT企业员工离职倾向影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Benefit Satisfaction Influences on IT Employee Turnover Intention

  30. 分别以社会福利最大化和企业利润最大化为目标,从最优定价的角度构造了2种公共交通最优发车频率模型。

    Then from the view of optimal pricing , this paper constructs two optimal service frequency models by the aim of maximizing social welfare and maximizing profit separately .