
  • 网络welfare corruption
  1. 最后从打破行政垄断、强化政府职能、完善制度建设、自我约束机制及外部监督制约等五个方面方面系统阐述福利腐败治理的对策路径。

    Finally from the break administrative monopoly , aggrandizement government function , perfect system construction , self restraint mechanism and external supervision and other five aspects elaborated the welfare corruption governance countermeasures .

  2. 公共组织福利腐败在我国的产生及不断蔓延,不仅有历史原因,也有现实根源,不仅有主观上的原因,也有客观上的原因。

    Welfare corruption of public organizations emerge and continue to spread in China , not only for historical reasons , there are real causes , not only subjective reasons , there are objective reasons .

  3. 我国行政性垄断行业的福利腐败治理问题探讨

    Research on Curbing the Welfare-labeled Corruption in Administrative Monopoly Industry of China

  4. 完善反腐倡廉法律法规,对福利腐败分子实施零容忍政策;3、制度和机制建设方面。

    Improve the anti-corruption laws and regulations , implement " zero tolerance " policy to corrupt welfarebehavior ; 3 , system and mechanism building .

  5. 认为福利腐败是指掌握公共资源的垄断性国企及部门通过滥用公共资源,以福利的名义为本系统人员或群体谋取私利而损害公共利益的行为。

    Think the welfare corruption refers to the master of public resources monopoly state-owned enterprises and departments through the abuse of public power , with the welfare of name for the staff of the system or group interests and damage to the behavior of public interest .

  6. 总结出福利腐败的特点及现实表现,从社会背景、历史根源、思想因素及外在缺陷等方面讲述福利腐败产生的原因,论述了福利腐败对国家、企业和社会三个层面带来的危害和影响。

    Summed up the welfare corruption characteristics and realistic performance , and from the social background , historical roots , ideological factors and extrinsic defects and other aspects of the welfare corruption causes , discusses the welfare corruption to country , enterprise and society three levels the harm and influence .

  7. 并对福利、腐败及福利腐败的概念进行辨析和界定,给出了本文对福利腐败的定义。

    Then the main welfare welfare corruption , corruption and the concepts and definitions , is given in this article on the definition of welfare corruption .

  8. 我们通常说的福利和企业福利,是为员工或者集体谋利益,这些福利和腐败有什么关系,表现为何种形式等;2、腐败和福利腐败的关系。

    The commonly called welfare and enterprise welfare aim at pursuing the interests for the employees and the collective . What is the relationship between welfare and corruption ?