
  1. 从传统的福特生产方式到丰田精益生产方式,再到基于IT的各种先进制造技术的应用,工业工程的思想无不贯穿于其中。

    The idea of industrial engineering exists through all styles from the traditional mode of Ford to fine production mode of Toyota to the application of various advanced production technology based on IT .

  2. 如果说福特生产方式直接推动美国走进了汽车年代,那么风险投资机制则无疑是推动美国走在信息时代前列的巨大引擎。

    If productive mode of Ford had pushed America forward the Auto Time , we can say , without any doubt , VC could be considered as a large engine to promote America to lead the Information Time .

  3. 后福特的生产方式与二十一世纪全球化竞争:较高的标准与劳力素质?

    VI ( D ) - Post-Fordist Production and21st-Century Global Competitiveness : Higher Standards and Labor Conditions ?

  4. 精益生产方式作为一种福特的大量生产方式后发展起来的更先进的生产管理方式,近年来在全世界范围内得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Lean manufacture is a modern production management after Ford mass production management . It is more and more accepted in worldwide recently .

  5. 柔性已成为象征后福特主义时代新生产方式的代名词。

    Flexibility has become the synonym of the new mode of production in the age of Post Fordism .

  6. 在福特制危机之前,福特大规模生产方式一直是世界上产品制造的主流方式。

    Before the Fordism 's crisis , it had been the main manufacturing mode in the world .