
  • 网络Clothing production enterprises;Garments Units
  1. 研究这一产业内企业的发展战略,对于我国在加入WTO之后的服装生产企业有着非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , studying the prospect of this industry , there are very important meanings to our country 's development of garment manufacturing enterprise after the accession into the WTO .

  2. 虚拟服装生产企业的供应链运作机制研究

    Study on the Supply Chain Operational Mechanism of Virtual Clothing Production Enterprise

  3. 为服装生产企业、服装设计师提供参考。

    By doing so , make a lot of reference for costume industry and clothing designers .

  4. 服装生产企业供应物流是现代物流学科在纺织服装业的具体应用。

    The supply logistics of clothing manufacturers are specific applications of disciplines of modern logistics in the textile and garment industry .

  5. Rajby工业是巴基斯坦最大的服装生产企业之一,主要向全球各大品牌供应牛仔布制品。

    Rajby Industries is one of the largest garments manufacturing enterprises in Pakistan , mainly exporting denim products to global brands .

  6. 服装生产企业属于劳动密集型企业,企业的生存发展在很大程度上要依赖于企业的人力资源。

    The garment production enterprise belongs to the labor & intensive enterprises . Its survival and development largely depends on the human resource .

  7. 服装生产企业主导供应链管理信息化、核心企业功能强化、依托产业集群的优势。

    The leading garment manufacturers supply chain management information , strengthen the core business functions , relying on the advantages of industrial clusters .

  8. 本课题从帮助服装生产企业建立适应市场需要的快速反应生产机制的角度出发,寻找能提高流水线生产效率的有效方法。

    The study stresses on finding out the solution to improve the efficiency of apparel assembly line in order to help garment manufacture build quick response system under the marketing demand .

  9. 建议服装生产企业尽快改变这种状况,有关部门也应加大对新服装号型国标的宣传力度。

    This article suggests that clothing factory should change this situation as soon as possible and that the departments concerned should strengthen the propaganda of new international standard of clothing specification .

  10. 在当今服装生产企业面临民工荒的情况下,如何招聘和吸引员工已经成为企业生存发展的关键因素。

    Nowadays , facing the difficulty of shorting of rural emigrants , how to recruit and attract employees for the garment enterprise has become the key factor which ensures the survival and development of enterprises .

  11. 鉴于中国经济增长今年放缓,给各行各业带来痛苦(从房地产开发商,到运动服装生产企业),这也许会被视为信贷管理方面的卓越成就。

    This might have been seen as a remarkable achievement in credit management , given the deceleration in Chinese growth this year , which has caused pain across business sectors from property developers to sportswear makers .

  12. 市场经济在中国的发展,使越来越多的服装生产企业感受到竞争的压力,为了取得竞争优势,部分企业开始将自动化技术引入到服装生产当中。

    More and more clothes production enterprises face competitions and pressure because of the development of market economy in China . In order to gain advantages over their rivals , some of the enterprises introduce the automation technology into their clothes production .

  13. 服装生产企业的发展带动了缝制设备行业的快速发展,近年来随着劳动密集型企业用工荒和生产效率低等问题的突显,传统的缝制设备已经不能满足市场的需求。

    The development of garment manufacturers leads to the rapid development of sewing equipment industry . In recent years , the traditional sewing machine can not meet the market demand anymore with the highlighting of the " labor shortage " and the low efficiency of production of labor-intensive enterprises .

  14. 广东蓝鸟时装开发中心(以下简称蓝鸟),是著名侨乡鹤山县引进国外先进设备,开发男士服装系列的生产企业。

    Guangdong " Blue Bird " Fashionable Dress Development Center (" Blue Bird " for short below ) is an enterprise of Heshan Country , the well-known homeland of overseas Chinese , which has importer advanced equipment from abroad and has developed a series of men 's fashionable dress .

  15. 企业设备先进,技术力量雄厚,管理严格、生产严谨、技术精湛、效率甚高是服装生产的最佳选择企业。

    Enterprise-the-art equipment , strong technical force , strict management and strict production , skilled and efficient production of clothing is the best choice for enterprises .

  16. 本文采用问卷调查方法,分析老年人的消费观念和选择服装的标准,旨在为服装生产企业开拓老年人服装市场提供决策依据。

    Based on investigation , the author analyses the consuming idea and clothing standard of elders and hopes to be the aid to clothes enterprises to develop its markets .

  17. 薪盛(厦门)服装贸易有限公司是一家专业从事服装的生产型企业,主要经营滑雪衣;

    SEASO ( Xiamen ) the trade Limited company is one specialized is engaged in clothing 's production configuration enterprise , mainly manages the ski clothes ;

  18. 本文研究的服装加工快速报价系统是一个用来在贸易谈判中用成本加成法快速计算服装成本费用及其他费用的系统,适用于外贸公司和服装生产加工型企业。

    The garment fast quotation system is used to calculate the cost of garments and other cost quickly , which is suitable for foreign trade company and processing enterprises .