
ɡuān lián ɡōnɡ sī
  • affiliate;affiliate company
  1. 现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)及其关联公司起亚汽车(KiaMotors)是最新感受到这股寒意的韩国公司。

    Hyundai Motor and affiliate Kia Motors are the latest to feel the chill .

  2. RJReynoldsInternational的一个关联公司因帮助走私者非法改变行程出口烟草到加拿大而受到有罪的指控。

    An affiliate of RJ Reynolds International pled guilty to charges of helping smugglers illegally reroute export cigarettes into Canada .

  3. 国外联号securitiesaffiliate经营有价证券的分行affiliatecompany关联公司这家公司附属于那所大学。

    This company is affiliated with that university .

  4. 接收奥林巴斯款项的是注册于开曼群岛的基金公司AxamInvestments,这家关联公司由Axes管理。

    The related Axam Investments was a Cayman Islands-registered fund overseen by Axes that received the payments from Olympus .

  5. 两年前,阿里巴巴的支付业务关联公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)上线了芝麻信用(SesameCredit),利用其掌握的消费者数据来评估他们的信用,为小企业和消费者带来安慰。

    Ant Financial , Alibaba 's payments affiliate , launched its Sesame Credit two years ago , parlaying its data on consumers into a measure of their trustworthiness , providing comfort for small businesses and consumers alike .

  6. TPG及其对冲基金关联公司TPG-Axon提议向美林投资至多30亿美元的资金。

    TPG and its hedge fund affiliate TPG-Axon offered to put as much as $ 3bn into Merrill .

  7. 显然是通过借贷,原因是每家公司的VIE都有一笔应付贷款,贷款人是一家已经在整合中消失的关联公司。

    It is quite clear that they were loaned to the vie , since each of these companies show a loan payable by the vie to a related company that is eliminated in consolidation .

  8. 此外,还应当增加对关联公司与公司集团的法律规定。

    It is also suggested to add regulations for corporate groups .

  9. 向关联公司出具收款通知,并每月进行对帐。

    To perform inter-company Debit Notes issuing and monthly inter-company reconciliations .

  10. 1996年的碧纯水侵权案就是典型的关联公司之间的诉讼。

    Pitt pure water infringement suit in 1996 is the typical case .

  11. 关联公司之间关联行为的法律规制

    On the legal Regulation of Affiliates Actions among Affiliates Companies

  12. 契约型关联公司利害关系人利益保护研究

    Research on the Protection Legal System of Stakeholders in Affiliated Companies of Contract

  13. 在关联公司概念中,核心是控制。

    In the concept of affiliated companies , the most important factor is controlling .

  14. 完成关联公司对帐并准时地安排关联公司付款。

    Perform I / C reconciliation and book I / C payments on time .

  15. 关联公司法律制度研究

    Study on Legal System of Related Corporations

  16. 若许可方向其关联公司授让本合同,应立即通知被许可方。

    The licensor shall immediately notify the licensee in writing of such assignment to its affiliate .

  17. 若需为关联公司投保,请另用纸张填写。

    Please provide details of associated or subsidiary companies in a separate sheet , if any .

  18. 此等与关联公司之款项为无抵押,免息并凭通知随时偿还。

    The outstanding balances with related companies are unsecured , non-interest bearing and repayable on demand .

  19. 关联公司支付每月通过选择下列之一:电子金条,金钱预订者或电子的转移。

    Affiliates are paid monthly via one of the following options : e-bullion , money bookers or electronic transfer .

  20. 我国应及早修订《公司法》,对关联公司之间的关联行为进行法律规制。

    Our country should revise company law as soon as possible to regulate the affiliate actions among affiliate companies .

  21. 如公司认为必要,其可以从投资方的关联公司借调临时雇员。

    If the Company deems necessary , it may take temporary employees seconded from affiliated companies of the Investor .

  22. 第二部分:关联公司的法律地位第二章重点研究关联公司的法律地位。

    Part II The Legal Position of Related Corporation This part focuses on the legal position of related corporation .

  23. 第一部分:关联公司的理论框架第一章试图构建本文命题依据的理论框架。

    Part I The Theoretical Frame of Related Corporations This part tries to construct the theoretical frame in this book .

  24. 德国的康采恩和台湾地区的关系企业则是大陆法系下传统的关联公司概念。

    The konzern in German law and the affiliated companies in Taiwan are the traditional affiliated companies in civil law system .

  25. 此外,交叉持股限制也会放宽,允许财阀附属公司最多持有关联公司40%的股份。

    Furthermore , the cross-shareholding limit will be relaxed to allow companies to hold up to 40 per cent in affiliates .

  26. 如果乙方未催促其关联公司向合资公司提供股东贷款或保证,甲方无义务提供股东贷款。

    If Party B fails to do so , then Party A shall not have the obligation to provide Shareholder Loans .

  27. 但一旦专利是由一家关联公司持有的,同样的限制可能不适用。

    But , once the patents are held by an arm 's length company , the same restraints might not apply .

  28. 在现代的经济社会中,关联公司越来越成为企业发展的主要形式。

    With the development of economic and society , affiliated company , has become more and more the main form of company .

  29. 年内,应收关联公司之最高结余为347000元(二零零一年:347000元)。

    The maximum balance due from the related companies during the year was approximately $ 347,000 ( 2001 - $ 347,000 ) .

  30. 利用酒业及销售行业的特点说明利用上下游关联公司进行交易更有利于盈余管理的进行。

    The characteristics of the liquor industry demonstrates the use of upstream and downstream affiliate transactions more conducive to the conduct of earnings management .