
  • 网络Services marketing;SERVICE MARKET;served market;fuwu.taobao.com
  1. 而且,网络会议也是目前国外电信服务市场中发展很成功的Internet商业应用服务。

    It 's also the most successful Internet application in abroad telecom service market .

  2. 加入WTO对中国医疗服务市场的影响

    The effect of China 's entry WTO on medical service market

  3. 审计服务市场被几家大型会计公司独占了。

    The auditing services market is dominated by a few large accounting firms .

  4. WTO与中国法律服务市场的对外开放

    WTO and Opening up of Chinas Legal Service Market

  5. 金融服务市场的开放与金融危机:WTO与金融改革

    The Openness of Financial Service Market and Financial Crisis : WTO and Financial Reform

  6. BPM相关的资产和服务市场

    A marketplace for BPM-related assets and services

  7. 随着我国加入WTO后,汽车服务市场逐步对外开放,汽车服务企业在面临更多机遇的同时,也将面对更激烈的市场竞争。

    After China entering WTO , the automotive service market is opening to world . Automotive service companies are facing more opportunities as well as fiercer market competition .

  8. 文章指出,加入WTO后,高等教育成为我国教育服务市场的主体,其中民族高等教育将受到较大的影响。

    This paper points out that , since China 's accession to the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), China 's higher education has become the market entity of the education service .

  9. 本文对WTO规则下的金融服务市场准入的法律体系以及法律原则进行了研究,同时参照了国际上关于金融服务准入监管方面的先进经验。

    I Study the legal system and legal principles of the financial services market access under WTO rules , with reference to the international advanced experience on access to financial services regulation in this paper .

  10. 拿恒生指数第二大成份股公司、权重为8%的中国移动(ChinaMobile)来说,尽管该公司占据了中国移动服务市场70%的份额,但它的股价在过去3年却变化不大。

    Take China Mobile , the second biggest stock in the Hang Seng , with an 8 per cent weighting . Although the company has a 70 per cent share of the Chinese mobile services market , its shares have traded more or less unchanged for the past three years .

  11. 在GATS框架下,各国法律服务市场开放主要面临三种障碍,即市场准入障碍、国民待遇障碍和政策障碍。

    Under GATS , opening the market of legal service of WTO members face three major obstructs : market access obstacle , national treatment obstacle and domestic policy obstacle .

  12. 把财政与结构改革、EIB和欧盟委员会的投资、开放服务市场以及促进人员流动结合起来,将产生效果。

    The combination of fiscal and structural reforms , EIB and EC investments , the opening of service markets , and easing the movement of workers will pay dividends .

  13. 如果法国经济不像其主要商务伙伴(尤其是意大利和西班牙)那样进行调整,问题可能变得更加严重。继德国之后,意大利和西班牙正对其劳动力和服务市场进行深度改革,IMF表示。

    [ It ] could become more serious if the French economy does not adapt at the same pace as its principal commercial partners , notably Italy and Spain , which , after Germany , are engaged in profound reforms of their labour and service markets , the IMF said .

  14. 中国的金融服务市场准入承诺透视

    A Perspective on China 's Commitment to Financial Service Market Accession

  15. 石油工业上游服务市场的演变及其启示

    The Evolution of the Service Market in the Petroleum Industry

  16. 略论高校教育服务市场与劳动力市场

    Study on the Educational Service Market of the University and Labour Market

  17. 医疗服务市场竞争愈加激烈;

    Competition in the market of medical services will grow increasingly fierce ;

  18. 我国法律服务市场准入问题探析

    Analyzing the Problems of Legal Service Market Access in China

  19. 气象服务市场问题研究

    The study on the problem of the meteorological service market

  20. 公共服务市场化在西方国家取得了巨大的成功。

    Public service marketization is quite successful in western countries .

  21. 以规范生产,科学管理,服务市场为宗旨。

    To standardize production , scientific management , service market for the purpose .

  22. 我国金融服务市场开放中的市场准入问题研究

    Study on the Market Access Rules of the Financial Service Market of China

  23. 网格服务市场下的服务价格协商和支付管理

    Pricing and Payment Management Based on Grid Service Market

  24. 大量的虚假会计信息的事实也说明我国审计服务市场存在失灵现象。

    So much mendacious accounting information explains that there is ineffective in China .

  25. 服务市场中的消费者行为特征与营销策略

    Marketing Strategics & Consumer Behaviour Characteristics in Service Market

  26. 医疗服务市场是一个受政府严格管制的市场。

    The medical service market is regulated government strictly .

  27. 高校后勤服务市场化研究

    Study on the Marketization of Rear Service of the Institution of Higher Education

  28. 专业气象服务市场及营销策略研究

    Market of meteorological service and study of sales strategy

  29. 面向企业的信息服务市场的开拓与有效维护

    Enterprise Information Service Market 's Deploitation and Efficiency Maintanence

  30. 而且IT服务市场的需求也日益理性化、多元化、国际化。

    And the requirements for IT services become rationalization , diversity and internationalization .