
  • 网络construction market;building market
  1. 基于Web的建筑市场监管与交易管理信息系统的开发

    Development of Information System of Construction Market Supervision and Business Management Based on Web

  2. 进入WTO影响建筑市场的基本因素及其分析

    Analysis of Impact on the Chinese Construction Market after China Entering WTO

  3. 加入WTO后,建筑市场的竞争更加激烈。

    The competition of building markets will be more acute after entering into WTO .

  4. SD分析很好地揭示了建筑市场信用题目的动态特性和发展规律。

    The dynamics analysis reveals the dynamic properties of the credit problems and development .

  5. 无标底招标是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,也是加入WTO后我国建设工程交易的主要方式。

    The non-price bottom bidding is the inevitable development trend of construction market in china and also the main project transaction way after joining into WTO .

  6. 再就是随着我国加入WTO以后,建筑市场逐步国际化,对国内的建筑市场和建筑业相关行业形成了强大的冲击和压力。

    Since our country joins WTO , internationalization of the construction market has made a big impact and stress on the national construction market and its interrelated industries .

  7. 中国加入WTO后,一方面有利于国内建筑市场竞争机制的建立和市场秩序的规范,推动我国建筑市场的市场化和规范化进程;

    After China entered WTO , one hand , it is benefit to form the mechanism of market competition , on the other hand it is challenge to building industry .

  8. 通过查阅相关文献资料,并运用Delphi法向专家进行调查咨询,确定了新加坡建筑市场上中国承包商风险评价指标体系。

    The paper determines the index system of the risks that contractors in the Singapore construction market by studying correlative literature and the delphi method .

  9. 我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),随着建筑市场逐步对WTO其它成员国家和地区开放,我国建筑业将直接面对来自西方发达国家建筑业的挑战。

    China has joined WTO , as the construction market is gradually opened to the other members of WTO , China construction industry will have to meet the challenge from the developed countries .

  10. 加入WTO之后,建筑市场进一步对外开放,有更多的外国建筑公司涌入中国市场,中国建筑市场的竞争日趋激烈。

    After affiliated WTO , the construction market is further opened , and more foreign building companies flow out into the Chinese market , so the competition of the Chinese market is gradually drastic .

  11. 然而,随着建筑市场竞争的日益加剧及我国加入WTO后面临的外来压力,建筑企业如何在工程招投标过程中增强其竞争力,已成为人们广泛关注的问题。

    But with the increasingly fierce competition of the domestic construction market and the external pressure after China entered into WTO , how construction enterprises enhance their competence has been the focus of people .

  12. 随着中国加入WTO进程的不断深入,国内建筑市场将全面向国际开放,建筑业也将面临更严峻的挑战。

    AS the process of China join in the WTO , the market of domestic construction will be comprehensively opened to the international . The architecture industry also will face some more stern challenge .

  13. 基于SOA的建筑市场管理系统将整个系统分为四个层次,分别为应用层、服务层、网络控制层、数据存储层。

    Based on the SOA architecture market management system the system can be divided into four levels , respectively , for the application layer , service layer , control layer , data layer network .

  14. 随着我国对WTO(世界贸易组织)开放建筑市场承诺期限的日益临近,提高建筑企业竞争力的问题在当前显得尤为突出。

    With the fast approaching of the day for China to open the building industry to WTO ( World Trade Organization ) members , how to enhance the competitiveness of our building enterprises has become more prominent than ever .

  15. 加入WTO,对我国水利发展的影响主要表现在对政府行为和行业管理、水利投融资体制、水利基础设施建设、水利工程建筑市场、供水和水电市场、水利企业及工程管理单位的影响。

    The impact of WTO entry to water resources development appears mainly on government actions and sector management , finance system , basic water infrastructure construction , construction market of water works , water supply and hydropower market , water enterprises and engineering management units .

  16. 浅议加强建筑市场管理的措施

    Discusses about the Measure of Strengthening the Management of Construction Market

  17. 对黄河有形建筑市场建设的探讨

    Discussion on building tangible construction market in the Yellow River Basin

  18. 当前建筑市场评标方法的现状与分析

    Present situation and analysis of appraise tenders method for building market

  19. 建筑市场与招标投标分会

    Association for the Research on Construction Marketing . Tendering and bidding

  20. 建立耗散结构完善建筑市场

    Building up dissipative structure to improve and perfect construction market

  21. 建筑市场管理的自组织理论及其实现

    Self - organizing Theory for Administration of Building Market and Its Application

  22. 建筑市场的信用链机理研究

    The Research on the Principle of the Credit Chains for Construction Market

  23. 有形建筑市场计算机管理系统的探讨

    Discussion on Computer Managerial System of the Visible Building Market

  24. 建筑市场需求预测中的神经网络方法

    The Neural Network in the Prediction of Construction Industry Demand

  25. 完善建筑市场法规体系等。

    And to consummate law and regulation system in construction market , etc.

  26. 建筑市场是一个利润与风险并存的巨大市场。

    Construction market is a huge market which is profitable and risking .

  27. 规范建筑市场竞争秩序若干问题探讨

    Regulate the construction market competition order to explore a number of questions

  28. 论建筑市场阴阳合同的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Formal and Substantial Contracts in Construction Market

  29. 工程采购模式本质上是建筑市场的交易方式。

    Construction procurement mode is a trading way of establishing construction market .

  30. 建筑市场各个行为主体之间存在着复杂的信用关系。

    Complex credit relations exist between the each department of construction market .