
  • 网络service spirit;Spirit to serve
  1. 以人为本执政理念下政府服务精神的培育路径

    Cultivation Approaches of Government Service Spirit under the People-oriented Ruling Concept

  2. 试论图书馆服务精神的回归

    Discussion on the Return of the Library Service Spirit

  3. 我们特别看重MBA的成熟、客户服务精神和以前在投行或相关领域的工作经验。

    We especially value MBAs for their maturity , client readiness , and prior work experience in our industry or related sectors .

  4. 我们仍将努力坚守IACMR的准则:灵感之源、追求卓越、服务精神。

    We will strive to live up to the values of IACMR : source of inspiration , commitment to excellence , and spirit of service .

  5. 这个例子表明我们家族具有献身的服务精神。

    This indicates that a service ideal exists in our family .

  6. 她为她的学生注入了一种服务精神。

    She instilled in her students a sense of service .

  7. 海威信服务精神:认真、快、坚守承诺!

    Service spirit : Do earnestly , fast , and keep the pledge .

  8. 服务精神:服务是我们的武器。

    Spirit of Service : Service is our weapon .

  9. 这是为培养年轻人公共服务精神的一个美国志愿队项目

    an AmeriCorps program that prepares youth for public service

  10. 你用行动证明了服务精神

    who is demonstrative what it means to serve

  11. 论《文华图书馆学专科学校季刊》的学术归旨与服务精神

    A Study on the Academic Aims and Service Spirit of Boone Library School Quarterly

  12. 这个勋章是奖励你的服务精神。

    This medal is for your outstanding service .

  13. 论公共服务精神

    On the Spirit of Public Service

  14. 你们以你们的勤奋、服务精神和文化传统,丰富了我们的社区。

    You enrich our communities through your hard work , spirit of service and your cultural traditions .

  15. 有人认为,在公共服务精神方面,奥巴马先生有着独特的主张,但共和党人对此嗤之以鼻。

    Republicans scoff at the suggestion Mr Obama has a unique claim on the public service ethos .

  16. 用专业的技术和服务精神,通过创造性的劳动,为社会的和谐和自由贡献力量!

    With the creative efforts , we contribute the professional skills and service spirit to the society !

  17. 没有服务精神和服务意识,就无法培养为服务社会的合格人才。

    No qualified personnel can be trained to serve society without having the service mentality and consciousness .

  18. 在本质内涵上,志愿服务精神与公民精神具有高度的契合性。

    In the essential meaning , the volunteerism and civism correspond to each other with a high degree .

  19. 本着“诚信共享、企业创新”的服务精神,真诚希望能与各方友好合作。

    We hope to get on very well customers with the spirit of faithfulness and creating new concept .

  20. 假如没有你们的参与,没有全新的服务精神和奉献精神,那么,这变革就不可能发生。

    It cannot happen without you , without a new spirit of service , a new spirit of sacrifice .

  21. 公司科学规范的管理制度和热情周到的服务精神赢得了广大国内外客户的充分信赖。

    We have won plenitudinous entrust of domestic and oversea clients by scientific-normative management system and passionate-judgmatical service spirit .

  22. 我们拥有专业的技术团队,热诚的服务精神与精益求精的理念。

    We have a professional technical team , and a passion in serving our customer with the best service .

  23. 津贴志愿者概念与志愿者概念在志愿服务精神上是一致的。

    Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service .

  24. 现在国内的高档酒店,装饰堂皇,侍者却是有主人翁精神,少服务精神。

    Nowadays top hotels in China always have luxury decoration , while the waiters show more ownership than sense of service .

  25. 索迪公关立足于公关关系的专业服务精神,决心为行销与传播事业的发展做出自己的贡献。

    SurodePR Agency based on the professional spirit , determining to make its own contributions to the development of marketing and communication .

  26. 教师专业化,包含了专业知能和专业服务精神即师德两大方面。

    Teacher professionalism includes not only teachers professional knowledge and ability but also teachers professional spirit , which is called teachers virtue .

  27. 奥林匹克主义、志愿服务精神与我国高等教育价值取向在精神层面的相通互融构建了我国高校奥运志愿服务的内在基础。

    The combination of the Olympism , the volunteer spirit and the university education make up the inner base of the university Olympic volunteer service .

  28. 如果服务精神差,我们的公司业绩就不能继续提高,整个社会也不能够和谐地往下发展。

    If it is not good enough , our company achievement will not be continuously increased , the whole society will not be harmoniously developed .

  29. 公共服务精神是21世纪政府行政的灵魂,是统摄服务型政府的核心价值理念。

    The spirit of public service is the soul of administration in the21st century , and it is also the core value of service-oriented government .

  30. 秉承“创意至善,行动至美”的理念,历经多年的专业实践,布瑞克富拥有强烈的专业服务精神。

    " Plan more perfectly , implement more completely ", after many years of professional practice , Breakthrough 's strong professional services spirit has taken shape .