
  • 网络appeal;Charisma;Emotional Appeal;inspirational motivation
  1. 旧金山培训与咨询公司DeckerCommunications的首席执行长本·戴克尔(BenDecker)说:“讨人喜欢的能力并非天生的品质,就像感召力一样。它是你能学会的东西。”

    Likability isn 't something you are born with , like charisma . It 's something you can learn , ' says Ben Decker , chief executive officer of Decker Communications , San Francisco , a training and consulting firm .

  2. 感召力?嘿,我一点感召力都没有。

    Charisma ? Hey , I don 't have any charisma .

  3. 具有情绪感召力是所有政治的一个方面。

    The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics .

  4. 他很讨人厌,但很有感召力,令人捉摸不透。

    He 's unsympathetic , but charismatic and complex .

  5. 甘地是富有感召力的人物。

    Gandhi was an inspirational figure

  6. 鲍勃•诺林的这本回忆录《从谷底到巅峰》(YouCanGetThereFromHere)可谓引人入胜,充满感召力。

    His memoir , you can get there from here , is an engrossing and often inspiring read .

  7. 我担心《大吉岭特快》在9月28日纽约电影节的公演,以及此后在其他主要城市的放映情况,这甚至超过了Wilson的感召力。

    But I fear Darjeeling , which opens the New York Film Festival Sept.28 and will play in major cities shortly thereafter , is beyond even Wilson 's powers of persuasion .

  8. “减少饥饿在政治上更有感召力,而(减少)肥胖、高血压和糖尿病没有同样的政治感召力。”Popkin解释道。

    " Reducing hunger is politically appealing while obesity , hypertension and diabetes do not have the same political appeal ," Popkin says .

  9. 把乔布斯与亨利•福特(HenryFord)和托马斯•爱迪生(ThomasEdison)相提并论的艾萨克森却认为,乔布斯如许多人愿意证明的那样,归根到底,“尽管富有魅力和感召力,但同时……也是混蛋一个”。

    Isaacson , while granting Jobs the same status as Henry Ford or Thomas Edison , found as many people prepared to testify that he was , to the end , " charismatic and inspiring , yet also   .   .   .   an asshole . "

  10. 以案例分析展现德育课的感召力

    Realize the Influencing Power of Moral Education Class through Cases Analysis

  11. 有感召力,还有胆量。

    You 've got charisma , and you 've got balls .

  12. 10、112的感召力

    The impelling power of 4 , 10 , and 112

  13. 这个问题在美国政治中仍然具有感召力。

    The issue still carries a charge in American politics .

  14. 略论语文教师的教学感召力

    Brief Comment on the Chinese Teachers ' Fascination of Teaching

  15. 他是一位非常有感召力的教练,一位真正的品质高尚的人。

    He is an inspirational coach , a man of true quality .

  16. 这样产生的音乐有时很有力量,并且有感召力。

    The music so produced is sometimes powerful and evocative .

  17. 他是个真正有感召力的演说者。

    He was a speaker who could really whip up a crowd .

  18. 给那些普通老百姓带来一点感召力。

    To give the square haircuts a little charisma now and then .

  19. 有的偶像,却“宝刀未老”,感召力依旧。

    Whilethere are some idols who still keep their vigorous celebrity andinfluential powers .

  20. 他精力充沛,很有感召力。

    He has a lot of energy and charisma .

  21. 听过李老师演讲的人都认为他很有感召力。

    Everyone who has heard teacher li 's lecture thinks he is charismatic .

  22. 这对于许多共和党人来说这些章程可是很有感召力的。

    To many Republicans this is an inspiring prospectus .

  23. 它的领导人比马勒马更有感召力。

    It has had leaders more charismatic than Malema .

  24. 谁掌握了他的理论,谁就能成为更有效、更有道德感召力的管理者。

    Anyone who grasps them can become a more effective and ethical manager .

  25. 语文教师语言美的感召力

    The Contagiousness of Chinese Teachers ′ Wonderful Language

  26. 他的伟大人格在思想政治工作中具有巨大的吸引力和感召力。

    His great personality in the ideological and political education has great attraction and appeal .

  27. 费希特是德国古典哲学家中最有感召力的启蒙学者。

    Johann Fichte was the most inspiring and enlightening scholar in the German classical philosophers .

  28. 只有根源于这个基础,法律才能获得真正的、有普遍社会感召力的神圣性。

    Only on such foundation , law can achieve the popular authority in the society .

  29. 提高教师感召力&在留守孩子教育中的实践与思考

    Improving Teachers 's Inspiring & The Practice and Consider of the Left-behind Children 's Education

  30. 有魅力的;有感召力的她出众的相貌和迷人的气质

    her striking looks and charismatic personality .