
  • 网络hsbc group;HSBC Holdings
  1. 本文作者是汇丰集团(hsbc)全球首席经济学家

    The writer is group chief economist at HSBC

  2. 汇丰集团保险业务常务董事白乐达(clivebannister)表示,现在60多岁和70多岁的人往往比以前的人更健康,这就意味着,如果他们愿意,就能够工作更长时间。

    Clive Bannister , group managing director of insurance for HSBC , said that people in their 60s and 70s were often fitter and healthier than had been the case in the past , meaning they could work longer if they desired .

  3. 本文作者为汇丰集团(hsbcgroup)首席经济学家、该行经济学及资产配置研究全球负责人

    The writer is HSBC Group chief economist and global head of economicsandassetallocation research

  4. 此次汇丰集团主席葛霖(stephengreen)出席的活动,由中国本土公关公司精音传播机构(voiceonecommunications)组织,精音传播也表示,汇丰在安排支付车马费方面没有扮演任何角色。

    The event , featuring HSBC chairman Stephen Green , was hosted by the foundation and organised by local PR firm , voice one communications , which also said HSBC had no role in organising the payments .

  5. 汇丰集团(hsbc)驻香港证券策略师stevensun表示,股市的回调不会很深,这种发展是健康的,增大了市场中期持续上涨的可能性。

    Steven sun , equity strategist at HSBC in Hong Kong , said the correction would be moderate and was a healthy development that increased the chances of a continued rally in the medium-term .

  6. 汇丰集团首席执行官纪勤(michaelgeoghegan)上周前往香港时表示,该银行正寻求扩张其在中国大陆由26家分支机构组成的网络。

    Michael Geoghegan , HSBC Group Chief Executive , said last week on a trip to Hong Kong that the bank was seeking to expand its 26-branch network on the mainland .

  7. 我国商业银行IT管理体制的完善:汇丰集团的启示

    Enlightenment of IT Management System in HSBC Group on China 's Commercial Banks

  8. 汇丰集团经营绩效研究

    Study on HSBC Group Business Performance

  9. 中化集团北京总部对此并未发表任何评论。而香港方面,汇丰集团也不做置评。

    Sinochem in Beijing was not available for comment , while HSBC in Hong Kong declined to comment .

  10. 汇丰集团预计,在未来五年内人民币将成为三大国际贸易结算货币之一。

    The yuan will become one of the three major global settlement currencies in five years , the HSBC Group estimated .

  11. 第二部分总结了汇丰集团全球均衡发展、甄选并购对象、选择并购时机等并购特点。

    The second part summarizes the characters of HSBC M & A including global development in balance , scrutinizing target , and selecting the acting time .

  12. 自成立以来,软件开发中心高速发展,现已成为汇丰集团银行系统的关键部门。

    Since its inception , PDC has expanded at a rapid pace and is now a key department for delivery of banking systems within the HSBC Group .

  13. 自上世纪五十年代以来,汇丰集团通过持续不断的并购活动由一家区域性银行逐渐发展成为国际知名的银行及金融服务集团。

    Since 1850s , HSBC gradually developed to an international well-known bank financial service group from a regional bank through continuous merger and acquisition ( M A ) .

  14. 研究显示,价值领域的平衡发展是汇丰集团企图维持竞争优势,锐意发展成为世界领先的金融服务机构的必然转变。

    It is demonstrated in this study that the balanced development in the value field is the essential change for HSBC Group to keep its leading competitive status and endeavor resolutely to develop itself into a world-leading financial service institution .

  15. 为外派人员服务的汇丰集团离岸银行业务部门“汇丰外派员工”负责人布莱克本说,房租是外派人员的费用大头,特别是在新加坡,香港,伦敦或纽约这样的城市。

    Dean Blackburn , head of HSBC Expat , an offshore banking arm of the HSBC Group catering to expatriates , said that rent was a major expense for expats , particularly in cities like Singapore , Hong Kong , London or New York .

  16. 本文根据银行并购的效率评价理论,对《银行家》杂志中位居国际银行业排名前四位的主要依据并购而发展壮大的花旗集团、汇丰控股集团、J。

    Applying the theories in efficiency evaluation , this paper surveys four top-ranking banks in the famous magazine & the bankers , Citigroup , HSBC Holding , J.

  17. 在本港有数十年历史的中银集团,现时是本港第二大银行集团,仅次于香港汇丰银行集团。

    The Bank of China Group , which has been established in Hong Kong for decades , is now the second largest banking group in the SAR after the HSBC Group .

  18. 去年,在监管规则变动之后,包括汇丰与花旗集团(Citigroup)在内的约20家外资银行,通过在当地注册法人银行,距离自己的目标又近了一步。

    Following regulatory changes last year about 20 banks , including HSBC and Citigroup , took a step closer to that goal by switching to local incorporation in China .

  19. 2004年12月,汇丰投资管理集团成为首家推出金砖四国基金的大型机构。

    In December 2004 , HSBC investments became the first big institution to launch a BRIC fund .

  20. 如果中国保监会今晚没有作出裁决,汇丰和正大集团可以选择将交易延期。

    HSBC and CP Group could extend their deadline beyond tonight if the regulator makes no ruling .

  21. 汇丰没有公布集团详细业绩数据,但表示第三季度税前利润将“大大超过去年”。

    HSBC published no detailed group figures but said third-quarter pre-tax profits would be " significantly ahead " of last year .

  22. 这里我们请来了汇丰银行的集团执行董事长,也是该报道的作者之一,克莱夫·班尼斯特,来共同讨论这个新研究结果。

    Well here to discuss this latest study is Clive Bannister , he is the group managing director of HSBC insurance and one of the authors of the report .

  23. 汇丰当时宣布:集团首席执行官的主要办公室将仍是2009年迁至的香港。

    The principal office of the group chief executive will remain in Hong Kong where it moved in 2009 .

  24. 以汇丰银行为典型案例,着重对汇丰集团私人银行业务进行深入剖析,分析了汇丰私人银行近十年来快速成长和发展的成功经验。

    Taking HSBS as a typical case , it emphasizes on analyzing deep into private banking of HSBS , summarizes the successful experiences of nearly ten years of fast development and growth of HSBS .

  25. 汇丰银行昨日重申,它打算对Household的债券持有人负起责任,虽然这些债务对汇丰集团没有追索权。

    HSBC has today reiterated its intention to stand behind bondholders in Household , even though its debts are non-recourse to the group .

  26. 汇丰银行(HSBC)软件开发(广东)有限公司(HSDC)在广州是一个提供信息技术解决方案和咨询服务之需要,香港汇丰银行集团。

    HSBC Software Development ( Guangdong ) Limited ( HSDC ) in Guangzhou is a provider of information technology solutions and consulting services for the need of HSBC Group .