
huì piào
  • draft;bill of exchange;money order;postal order
汇票 [huì piào]
  • (1) [draft]∶由银行开出,凭以兑取汇款的票据

  • 银行汇票

  • (2) [bill of exchange]∶一种短期可转让的财务票据。它是由一人(即货物卖主)向另一人(即买主)或其委托的银行开出,并要求后者立即或于确定日期对指定人或持票人支付一定金额的书面通知

  • (3) [money order]∶汇款单

  • 邮政汇票

汇票[huì piào]
  1. 付款必须用英国银行承兑的汇票。

    Payment must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK bank .

  2. 10天后卡门收到了一张用于购买机票的银行汇票。

    Ten days later Carmen received a bank draft for a plane ticket .

  3. 邮政汇票的金额最高可达700美元。

    Postal money orders are available in amounts up to $ 700 .

  4. 必须以信用卡或银行汇票用美元支付。

    Payments should be made by credit card or bank draft in U.S. dollars .

  5. 以本币银行汇票支付车款。

    You pay for the car by banker 's draft in the local currency .

  6. 应在支票/邮政汇票上画线,并使之可用于新市场促销活动的支付。

    Cheques / postal orders should be crossed and made payable to Newmarket Promotions .

  7. 兹附上100美元汇票一张。

    I enclose herewith a draft for the sum of100 dollars .

  8. 他们给他5000英镑的银行汇票,但他没有接受。

    They offered him the banker 's order £ 5000 but he didn 't accept it .

  9. 汇票是合法票据。

    A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document .

  10. 你要有正式的签字,这张汇票才能生效。

    You need an official signature to validate the order .

  11. 汇票最初主要限于在外贸金融活动中使用。有价证券善持意有人不受前手所有权缺陷的影响。

    The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely to the financing of foreign trade . A bona fide holder .

  12. W:那如果销售是以即期汇票为基础的呢?

    W : What if the sale is made on the basis of sight draft ?

  13. “你方由本人指定以Martin公司为付款人的三张汇票,已由史密斯公司承兑”

    " Your three drafts on Martin Co. , to my order , have been accepted by Smith Co. "

  14. 然而,在UCP的第六次修改之前,如果信用证是以议付的格式出具,仍然要求出示汇票。

    However , for a letter of credit available by negotiation , draft was still required until the sixth revision of UCP , UCP500 .

  15. 他说,社会融资规模存在着众所周知的概念性问题;亚洲开发银行盯的是M2以及单独的金融领域,例如委托贷款、银行承兑汇票等等。

    ' There are well known conceptual problems ' with TSF , he said . The ADB looks at M2 , he said , as well as separate financial segments such as entrusted loans and bankers ' acceptances .

  16. dhl将於货件送抵时,根据寄件人的指定要求,代为收取汇票、公司支票、银行支票、或个人支票。

    DHL will collect a money order , company check , cashier ? S check , or personal check , as specified by the shipper , upon making delivery .

  17. 票据的数据库管理系统采用Oracle10g的产品。各商业银行的商业汇票系统属于ECDS的系统参与者,各个商业汇票系统与ECDS是子系统与总体的组成关系。

    This bank electronic commercial draft system have used the database management product of Oracle 10g.The commercial draft systems in every city commercial banks belongs to the participant of the ECDS .

  18. 浅议很行承兑汇票纠纷及法律适用

    On the disputes of bankers ' acceptance draft and legal application

  19. 每张汇票都用来预付一个月的年金。

    Each order is for one month 's pension in advance .

  20. 汇票乃因背书人通融而承兑或开立。

    Where the bill was accepted or made for his accommodation .

  21. 你那边能兑现美国邮政汇票吗?

    Could you cash US postal money order on your side ?

  22. 凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人无追索权。

    Availble against beneficiary 's draft , without recourse to drawers .

  23. 您能否告诉我,您持有的是哪一种汇票吗?

    Can you tell what kind of a bill you have ?

  24. 得以其本人名义就汇票提出诉讼;

    He may sue on the bill in his own name ;

  25. 浅谈对“银行承兑汇票”的管理

    Brief talking about the management of " bank accept draft "

  26. 买方将用即期汇票付款。

    The buyer will pay the price by sight draft .

  27. 签发空头银行汇票,套取资金,以及进行经济犯罪活动的;

    Issuing fictitious bank bill to draw money illegally for criminal activities ;

  28. 贵公司是否接受汇票的支付方式?

    Would you accept bill of exchange as the term of payment ?

  29. 电子商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。

    The payer of an ECD shall be the acceptor .

  30. 或者寄送订购单,最好使用国际汇票。

    Or mail orders , you 'd better use the I.M.O.