
  • 网络compilation;compilation work
  1. 我国数据库著作权保护,是将数据库作为汇编作品予以保护。

    Database protection under our copyright law is to protect database as a compilation work .

  2. 按我国最近修订的《著作权法》的规定,在对数据库的著作权保护方面,是将数据库归入汇编作品予以著作权保护;

    According to the newly amended Copyright Law of China , a database is protected as a compilation ;

  3. 从一起侵权行为看汇编作品的双重著作权行使

    About the Exercise of Double Copyright of Collected Words Through an Infringement Action

  4. 出版者、广播组织和信息网络传播者的信息网络传播权以及网络汇编作品尚未得到应有的法律保护。

    The legal protection of the rights of publishers , broadcasting organizations , network propagators and network compiled works are still unavailable .

  5. 独创性的判断会因作品是原创作品还是二次作品,是汇编作品还是演绎作品,是文学、艺术作品、事实作品还是功能性作品而有所不同。

    , original works or secondary works , compiled works or deductive works , literature works or works of art , factual works or functional works , which determines the judgment of originality .

  6. 随着社会的发展,尤其是处在网络时代,汇编作品存在的形式会越来越多,这使得对其独创性的判断更加困难,这样我们有必要重新研究和探讨汇编作品独创性的判断标准。

    With the development of society , especially in the network time , the form of compilation works is getting more and more , so it makes more difficult to judge the originality of compilation works .

  7. 本文试图从这起侵权行为引起的诉讼和法院判决入手,分析了汇编作品著作权的产生要件和汇编作品著作权行使的特殊性,从而得出汇编作品著作权产生双重行使的合理性和现实性。

    Now the author tries to analyze the lawsuit and the court verdict caused by the infringement , the necessity , the particularity of copyright of collected words and the use of double copyright in a rational and realistic way .

  8. 根据《著作权法》关于作品著作权归属的规定,具体分析了高等学校教材作品著作权的一般归属以及合作作品、职务作品、汇编作品和委托作品等的特定归属。

    In accordance with Copyright Law pertaining to the regulation on the ownership of the copyright of the works , this paper particularly analyzes the common copyrights for college teaching materials as well as the special copyrights of the co-works , duties works , compilation works and custom-made works .