
  1. 美国又是世界上最发达、最具有国际话语权的国家。

    The United States is the most developed and most influential country in the world .

  2. 指出,在现行国际话语权定义中应当引入非利益原则,并使之与国家利益原则趋向平衡;

    It argues that non-benefit principles should be introduced into the current definition of international discourse rights , balanced with benefit ones ;

  3. 特别是从2008年发生的几件大事来看,更凸显了中国媒介国际话语权长期以来受到西方媒介的主导。

    The issue that international discourse of Chinese media has been dominated by the western media is highlighted from important events in 2008 .

  4. 在国家间相互依存程度越来越高和国际话语权日益重要的今天,构建一个良好的国家形象对每个国家来说都很重要。

    As the interdependence among countries is getting higher and higher , building a good national image has a special meaning to each country .

  5. 管理学需要中国的声音,中国传统管理思想取得广泛的国际话语权是必然的。

    Management needs the voice of China , and it is inevitable that Chinese traditional management thoughts will achieve strong power of discourse in international proportions .

  6. 同时,中国应与其他发展中国家结成反碳关税联盟,为本国争取更多的国际话语权与经济利益。

    Meantime , China needs to establish " anti-carbon tariffs Union " with other developing countries so as to strive for more verbal and economic rights .

  7. 第五部分结合人民币汇率争议的根源和本质,主要从产业结构调整、原产地规制、汇率制度、国际话语权等方面提出相应的应对策略。

    In the last part , the author specifies on the countermeasures from industrial restructuring , exchange rate regime , international discourse power , the regulation of origin country .

  8. 中国官方也加紧提高中国国际话语权的步伐,尤其是在媒体方面,开展了不少的大动作。

    Chinese officials have stepped up to improve the pace of the right of speaking , especially in the media , to carry out a lot of big step .

  9. 并以《纽约时报》为借鉴,对我国媒体在对外报道中的弱话语原因和加强我国媒体在对外报道中掌握国际话语权的策略进行了总结和思考。

    Therefore taking the New York Times for reference analyzed the cause of Chinese media weak discourse in overseas reporting and summarized and think how to master the strategies of strong discourse in the international communication .

  10. 针对于以上的模拟结果,本文提出积极争取国际话语权、推进运输服务企业技术革新、研发新型清洁能源、寻求政府相关政策支持等政策建议。

    For the above simulation results , this paper argues that , China should seek international right to speak , promote the technological innovation of transport service enterprises , develop new clean energy , seek government policy support .

  11. 国际石油市场话语权之争

    The Disputes of Control Power for World Market in Oil

  12. 其次,要加强大豆国际定价的话语权。

    For the next , we must sharpen the pricing power in the international market .

  13. 然而,它们仍然可以塑造巴尔干的刻板印象,毕竟国际政治的话语权依然掌握在它们手中。

    However , they still had the power to control the stereotype of the Balkans throughout Europe since the greater political dialogue was still in their hands .

  14. 在美国主导国际社会反恐话语权的宏观背景下,美式反恐战略在美国国内造就了一个放弃“美国价值”的美国;

    Under the macro-background of the United States controlling the power of speech of anti-terrorism in international community , American strategy of anti-terrorism has created an America giving up " american valve " in internal america ;

  15. 如今,一个国家或者民族要想在国际社会拥有话语权,就必须注重科学研究、科技发展的规模、程度,以及科学技术对生产力的贡献水平。

    Now , a country or nation wants to have a say in the international society , we must pay attention to scientific research , technology development in scale , the degree , and the contribution of science and technology on productivity levels .

  16. 同时,我国要在国际谈判中争取话语权,拖延碳关税的使用。

    Second , China should have its say in international negotiations to delay the implement of carbon tariff .

  17. 众所周知,一个国家的综合实力决定其在国际事务中的话语权。

    It is well known that comprehensive strength of a country will determine its speaking right in international affairs .

  18. 双方认为,发展中大国在国际组织中的话语权和代表性应该增强。

    Both sides would like to see better representation and greater voice for major developing countries in international organizations .

  19. 随着全球经济一体化的程度日益加深,企业只有掌握专利技术,核心资源,才能在国际市场上拥有话语权。

    With the degree of global economy integration deepened , companies would have a say on the international market only when controlling patent technology and core resources .

  20. 在今天的社会里,建筑的原创问题已经不仅仅是一个学术问题,而是关系到一个国家在国际建筑界的话语权问题。

    In current society , the originality of architecture design is not an academic problem but a problem of the right to speak in the world architecture arena .

  21. 五是加强两国在国际和地区事务中的沟通与协调。双方认为,发展中大国在国际组织中的话语权和代表性应该增强。

    Fifth , we have agreed to strengthen communication and coordination in international and regional affairs . Both sides would like to see better representation and greater voice for major developing countries in international organizations .