
  • 网络Balance of Payment Statistics
  1. 跨境洗钱与资本外逃;人民币跨境交易纳入我国国际收支统计的初步研究

    Cross-border money washing and capital flight ; A Study of Incorporating Cross-Border RMB Transactions into China 's Balance of Payment Statistics

  2. 资料来源:IMF《国际收支统计年鉴》,2003年。

    Sources : IMF " Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook ", 2003 .

  3. 我国国际收支统计数据在指标范围、公布数据质量、公布数据完整性等方面与GDDS(数据公布通用系统)存在一定差距,应从多方面努力改进。

    There is a gap between statistics data of Chinese expenses and receipts in the aspects of characteristics , quality and completion and acquirement of data and the general system of GDDS ( General Data Dissemination System ) , which should be improved in many aspects .

  4. 但是,国际收支统计工作仍存在一些困难和问题需要解决。

    However , there still exist some difficulties and problems in BOP statistics .

  5. 国际收支统计口径上的新变化

    New Changes in the Definition of International Payment Statistics

  6. 中国技术国际收支统计可行性研究

    The Possibility Research of the Statistics of Balance of Payments of Technique of China

  7. 服务贸易的定义有基于国际收支统计的定义、联合国贸易与发展会议的定义和世界贸易组织的定义。

    There are definition of service trade based on statistics of international balance of payment , the trade and development meeting of the United Nations and the WTO .

  8. 净误差与遗漏项目能够在一定程度上反映一国国际收支统计质量的高低,还能在一定程度上反映未被官方记录的资本流动规模。

    The net errors and omissions item reflects not only the quality of balance of payments of one country , but also the amount of capital flow unrecorded officially to a certain degree .

  9. 外汇指定银行自身涉外收入和对外款无需进行国际收支统计间接申报,但须进行金融机构境外资产、负债及损益申报。

    As for its own foreign-related revenues and foreign payment , the authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange need not make indirect reports of statistics of balance of payments , but shall make the reports of overseas assets , liabilities , profits and losses of financial institution .

  10. 在国际收支统计资本与金融项目的三大类别,即直接投资、证券投资和其它投资(主要包括贸易信贷和外债)中,其它投资方面的管制政策变化最多、最频繁;

    Among the three components of capital and financial account of BOP statistics , namely , direct investment , portfolio investment and other investment ( including trade credits and external debt ), changes in policies and regulations on other investment ranked No. 1 in terms of both quantity and frequency .

  11. 国际海洋货物运输的国际收支统计方法研究

    The Balance of Payments Statistical Methodological Research of International Marine Cargo Transportation

  12. 通过上述方法,可以有效地避免国际收支漏申报、迟申报发生,尽可能地降低国际收支错申报发生概率,最大程度提高基层国际收支统计申报数据质量。

    Through the above method , we can effectively avoid the leaking and late reporting , as far as possible to reduce the wrong declaration , improve grass-roots balance of payments statistics and reporting data quality .