
  • 网络International Financial Regulation
  1. 2007年金融危机爆发以来,人们对国际金融监管、经济增长方式等很多问题进行了反思。

    Since the outbreak of the 2007 financial crisis , issues including international financial regulation , economic growth , etc have been awared by people involved .

  2. 第二章,从分析金融经营监管理论与实践的历史演变入手,提出国际金融监管体制的发展趋势;

    In the second chapter , after analyzing current financial supervision theory and the evolutions of financial practice , we put forward with a new tendency for international financial regulation .

  3. 国际金融监管趋势与WTO下我国的金融监管浅谈国际金融监管现状与发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Trend of International Financial Regulations and China 's Financial Regulations as a Member of WTO Talking about the situation and development approach of international financial supervisory

  4. 的确,增强监管独立性的需要,是成立国际金融监管机构的有力理由&这是G20明显回避的另一个话题。

    Indeed , the need for greater regulatory independence is a compelling reason for establishing an international financial regulator , another topic the G20 conspicuously avoided .

  5. 他们称中国和印度都担心任何新的国际金融监管机构都会像imf和世界银行那样,受到欧美的掌控。

    Both China and India , they claim , fear that any new international financial watchdog will be dominated by Europe and the US , in the way the IMF and World Bank has been .

  6. 国际金融监管模式的比较与借鉴

    The Comparison and Using for Reference of International Financial Supervision System

  7. 浅谈国际金融监管现状与发展趋势

    Talking about the situation and development approach of international financial supervisory

  8. 国际金融监管新理念和新趋势

    The New Opinions and Trends of the International Financial Supervision

  9. 首先,明确国际金融监管创新。

    Firstly , definition international finance supervising and managing innovation .

  10. 试论国际金融监管立法的发展趋势

    On the Developing Trend of Legislation for International Financial Supervision

  11. 其次,国际金融监管体制创新的理论解释。

    Secondly , international finance supervising and managing system innovation theory explanation .

  12. 金融危机背景下国际金融监管体制的改革动向及启示

    Reform Trend and Implications of International Financial Supervision Regime under Financial Crisis

  13. 金融创新与国际金融监管法律制度新发展

    Financial Innovation and the Development of International Financial Supervision and Control Legal System

  14. 国际金融监管的结构和技术面临新的变化和挑战;

    The structure and technology of international financial supervision face new change and challenge ;

  15. 国际金融监管的多边治理机制&一个多层次的构想框架

    The Multilateral Governance Mechanism of the International Financial Supervision : A Multi-level Conception Framework

  16. 论国际金融监管制度的缺陷及其完善

    On Flaws Perfection of International Finance Supervision System

  17. 关注国际金融监管规则的修改

    On Modifications of Supervision Rules of International Finance

  18. 论国际金融监管的调整趋势

    On the adjustment tendencies of international financial supervision

  19. 新国际金融监管共识对上海国际金融中心建设的影响和启示

    Enlightenments of G20 London Consensus on Financial Supervision and Regulation to Developing Shanghai International Financial Center

  20. 要关注和学习国际金融监管的新走势和技术;

    We should keep pace with the tendency and new technology of international financial regulatory area .

  21. 20世纪90年代以来,随着金融自由化、全球化的发展,金融混业经营以其特有的高效率性成为发展趋势,金融监管体制也相应地发生了变革,国际金融监管体制向统一监管方向发展。

    With the development of finance , world financial supervision system turns towards segregating supervision since 1990s .

  22. 要加强国际金融监管合作,增强预警和监管能力;

    It should step up cooperation on international financial oversight and enhance early warning and supervisory ability ;

  23. 完善我国金融监管体系刍议&兼谈国际金融监管发展的趋势

    Discussion on Improving Chinese Financial Supervision System & as well as the trend of international financial supervision development

  24. 同时,还要建立并完善国际金融监管机制。

    At the same time , it is necessary to establish and improve international financial supervision and regulation mechanisms .

  25. 第三,加强国际金融监管合作,防范金融风险积聚和扩散。

    Third , strengthen international cooperation in financial supervision and regulation and guard against the build-up and spread of financial risks .

  26. 第四章介绍了国际金融监管的国际法规范。也是本文的核心内容。

    Chapter four introduced the international law norms for international financial regulation , which is also the core of this paper .

  27. 国际金融监管应逐步实现建立宏观审慎的监管框架,提高监管的执行力度,在宏观层面上实现监管目标。强化对投资者、消费者的保护,建立保险消费者的专门机构。

    International financial supervision should establish macro prudential regulatory framework , improve the regulatory enforcement , strengthen the investor protection gradually .

  28. 国际金融监管合作应该使参与者共同获益,不应该是零和游戏,而应该是正和的。

    The international financial regulatory cooperation should benefit all participants . It should be positive sum game rather than a zero-sum game .

  29. 巴塞尔委员会等国际金融监管机构都对操作风险更加重视,并且提出了一系列管理要求。

    The Basel Committee and other international financial regulatory institutions have greater emphasis on operational risk , and made a series of regulatory requirements .

  30. 巴塞尔新资本协议是对以往风险管理制度的补充和完善,对国际金融监管制度产生了深远的影响。

    Basel New Capital Agreement is the supplement and perfection of the risk management system and has profound effect on the international financial supervisory system .