
  • 网络FIFA Ballon d'Or;FIFA BALLON D OR
  1. 这位效力于西班牙巴塞罗那队和阿根廷国家队的前锋,力压巴萨俱乐部队友哈维及葡萄牙球星、效力于皇家马德里队的C罗,以压倒性的胜利获得了2011年度国际足联金球奖。

    The Barcelona and Argentina forward received the FIFA Ballon d'Or award for 2011 , beating club teammate Xavi Hernandez and Real Madrid 's Cristiano Ronaldo .

  2. “国际足联金球奖”将由国际足联旗下的各国国家队主教练和队长,以及《法国足球》挑选的各国足球专业媒体记者投票产生。

    The final decision will be made by the captains and head coaches of the national teams as well as by international media representatives selected by the French Soccer Federation .

  3. 法庭发现他们利用一系列空壳公司,偷逃梅西肖像权收入的税款。曾五度荣获国际足联金球奖的梅西在审判中表示,他对逃税行为并不知情,其财务事宜均由父亲管控。

    The court found that they had used a web of shell companies to evade taxes on income from the player 's image rights . Messi , five-times World Player of the Year , said during the trial that he had no knowledge of the dealings and that his father had control over his financial affairs .

  4. 乌拉圭队球员迭戈·弗兰获评本届世界杯国际足联最佳球员“金球奖”。

    Uruguay 's Diego Forlan has won the Fifa Golden Ball as the outstanding player at the World Cup 。