
  • 网络international finance news
  1. 据《国际金融报》报道,英国RSA保险集团发布的一份全球风险调查报告显示:全球受访者普遍认为,地区问题和个人问题比全球性风险更为严峻。

    Regional and personal problems are more severe than global challenges to many people , according to a survey issued by RSA , a British insurance company , the International Financial News reported .

  2. 《国际金融报》记者注意到,许多网友对美国土地的交易资料、手续等相关问题存在疑问。

    " International Finance " This reporter noted that many users of the U.S.land transactions , procedures and other related issues in doubt .

  3. 国际金融新闻报的一篇评论认为,中国加入世贸组织的消极影响会是有限的,而其为国营企业带来的实质性好处是显而易见的,比如果说它能够更多地引进外国技术。

    The international financial news said in a commentary the negative effects of entering WTO would be limited while there would be substantial benefits for the state-owned enterprises , such as the introduction of more foreign technology .