
  1. 今年,阿里巴巴将与中国最大的民营企业集团之一复星国际(FosunInternational)合作筹建浙江网商银行(ZhejiangInternetCommerceBank)。

    Alibaba will partner with Fosun International , one of China 's largest private conglomerates , to form Zhejiang Internet Commerce Bank this year .

  2. 现场验证开设账户的问题也是最近阿里巴巴和腾讯分别推出的在线银行网商银行(MYbank)和微众银行(WeBank)面临的障碍。

    The issue of in-person account opening has also emerged as an obstacle for MYBank and WeBank , two online-only banks recently launched by Alibaba and Tencent , respectively .

  3. 今年6月,阿里巴巴的金融子公司推出在线银行网商银行(MYbank),其高管承诺将利用这家中国电商集团的大量客户数据,将贷款瞄准小企业。

    In June , Alibaba 's financial affiliate company launched MYBank , its internet bank , with executives pledging to use the Chinese ecommerce group 's vast amounts of customer data to target lending to small businesses .

  4. 数字人民币钱包功能最近被激活,网商银行成为电子钱包的运营商之一。

    The digital yuan wallet feature was recently activated and MYbank is already among the operators of the e-wallet .

  5. 由蚂蚁集团支持的网商银行已正式开始允许其用户将自已的账户与中国数字人民币应用程序相关联。

    MYbank , which is backed by Ant Group , has officially begun allowing its users to link their accounts with the Chinese digital yuan app .