
  1. 本文的主要工作内容和创新点如下:1.以IBM规划、网易邮箱以及奥运安防三个实例引出人脸识别技术的重要性,不仅在科学研究上,而且在实际应用中。

    This thesis obtains the following contents and innovations : 1 . The face recognition is not only important to research , but also practical to apply . We expound these by given three examples , such as IBM planning , netease mailbox , and the Olympic security .

  2. 今天中午我申请了网易邮箱然后开通了博客,这种感觉美妙极了。

    It is wonderful when I applied for ane-mail and then opened it this noon .

  3. 在实验数据集上的结果远远超过了目前最优秀的垃圾邮件过滤器,并且在合作者网易邮箱提供的数据上面也有非常好的表现。

    The results on experimental spam email corpus is much better than current best spam filter . And in the cooperation with NetEase , we find it is also excellent on real daily e-mail corpus .

  4. 但网易在企业邮箱市场的立足与发展仍然不可预期。

    But Netease still cannot anticipate in the base oneself upon of enterprise mailbox market and development .