
zhuī suǒ quán
  • right of recourse;right of proceeding
  1. BOT项目有限追索权融资方式的风险收益分析

    Analysis of limited recourse financing to a BOT project

  2. 结果显示当政府拥有BOT项目资产所有权时,可以有效抑制有限追索权导致的项目公司的道德风险行为。

    When government has ownership of BOT assets , it can inhibit moral hazard which caused by limited recourse .

  3. 汇丰银行昨日重申,它打算对Household的债券持有人负起责任,虽然这些债务对汇丰集团没有追索权。

    HSBC has today reiterated its intention to stand behind bondholders in Household , even though its debts are non-recourse to the group .

  4. 其中许多是通过空壳公司被称为城市发展投资公司(UDIC,简称城投)发放至各省、市、县的无追索权贷款。

    Many were non-recourse loans to provinces , municipalities and counties through shell companies , known as Urban Development Investment Corporations ( UDICs ) .

  5. 然而,霍诺汉本月在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的一场辩论中透露,爱尔兰一些按揭贷款提供者推出了“无追索权”贷款,让它们有权在出现违约的情况下收回房产,但无权追索借款人个人的偿债责任。

    But this month Mr Honohan revealed during a debate at the International Monetary Fund that some Irish mortgage providers were now offering " non-recourse " loans , which give them the right to repossess property in the event of default but not to pursue borrowers personally .

  6. 凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人无追索权。

    Availble against beneficiary 's draft , without recourse to drawers .

  7. 论我国票据追索权行使要件的立法完善

    On Legislation Perfection of the Exercising Precondition of Recourse in China

  8. 浅议承兑人在追索权法律关系中的地位

    On Acceptor 's Status In Legal Relation Of The Right Of Recourse

  9. 试论票据到期日前持票人追索权的行使?

    How can bearer exercise their recourse before the bills become due ?

  10. 软贷款和无追索权财务包在特定情况下可用。

    Soft loans and non-recourse finance packages are available in certain circumstances .

  11. 但优先股股东或许会有些追索权。

    But preferred shareholders may have some recourse , Mr Bose said .

  12. 如果满意,如果(对反)违反合同,你有什么追索权?

    If so , what is your recourse if the contract is breached ?

  13. 保留追索权下付款根据我行事先同意。

    Payment under reserves subject to our prior approval .

  14. 在没有保理追索权的情况下如何管理债务人风险?

    How to manage debtor risks if it is a non-recourse factoring facility ?

  15. 而形式要件,就是追索权行使得程序,指的是行使追索权,所必须履行的保全手续。

    So-called procedural elements are procedures that the right of recourse can be performed .

  16. 在这些制度中,有一项较为重要而独特的制度,对保障票据的流通必不可少,这就是票据追索权制度。

    The Right of recourse of negotiable instrument is an important system among them .

  17. 福费廷是一种新兴的以无追索权为特点的国际融资服务项目。

    Forfaiting is a new kind of international financial credit service which discount without recourse .

  18. 各州没有追索权,只能坐待高级法院的判决。

    The states had no recourse but to await the verdict of the high tribunal .

  19. 试论票据追索权的限制与保护

    A Study of the Restriction and Protection of the Rights of Recourse of the Bill

  20. 所有的公民都对司法审判享有追索权。

    All citizens have recourse to justice .

  21. 充分披露有追索权的票据背书、以票据为标的资产的资产证券化安排。

    Bill endorsed with recourse and bill underlying asset securitization arrangements shall be fully disclosed .

  22. 关于追索权的保全措施

    Conservatory measure in relation to recourse

  23. 本公约不得影响船舶所有人对第三方任何追索权。

    Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice any right of recourse of the owner against third parties .

  24. 问:乘客们如果在飞行时遇到这种恶劣的事件,有什么追索权?

    Q : Do fliers have any recourse when exposed to such bad behavior in the air ?

  25. 好的债务是指,可以靠房地产本身全额清偿债务,而且是用无追索权的方式融资。

    Good debt is the type of debt the property itself pays in full and non recourse .

  26. 对投资者而言,项目融资的两个最有价值的地方在于长期性和有限追索权。

    According to the investors , the most valuable points of project financing are long-term period and limited-recourse .

  27. 持票人为背书人的,对其后手无追索权。

    Where the holder is an endorser , he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties .

  28. 比起我们对法定追索权的信心,商业交易中的信任要复杂得多。

    The role of trust in commercial transactions is really much more complicated than our confidence in legal recourse .

  29. 只要债权贴现不具有追索权,就对本公司的方针政策没有影响。

    As long as the debt factoring is without recourse this is not an issue for our company policies .

  30. 追索权在保障持票人利益,维护票据信用,促进票据流通方面不可或缺。

    Right of recourse is essential on protecting interests of holder , credit of bills and promoting instruments circulating .