
  • 网络Book Building
  1. 本杰明:你好,请问一下这车到西单图书大厦吗?

    Benjamin : Excuse me ? Does this bus go to Xidan Book Building ?

  2. 丹尼尔:她说我们下车之后,图书大厦就在车站旁边啊。

    Daniel : She said that when we get off the bus , the Book Building is right by the buss .

  3. 创造一个充满生机的精神家园:天津图书大厦设计随想

    To create a vigorous spirit home : design of Tianjin Books Building

  4. 南宁市新华书店图书大厦转换梁裂缝控制措施

    Crack control measures for transfer beams in Xinhua Bookstore Building of Nanning

  5. 我以前在A公司工作时,办公司在图书大厦。

    When I worked in A company , my office was in booking building .

  6. 你是说西单图书大厦吧?

    You mean the Xidan Book Center ?

  7. 西单图书大厦是北京最大的书店,节假日和寒暑假期间是学生的乐园。

    During holidays and summer and winter vacations it becomes a paradise for students of all ages .

  8. 我们出地铁后需要再坐公交车去西单图书大厦吗?

    Do we need to take buses to the Xidan bookstore after we get off the subway ?

  9. 无保留审计意见书也称洁净意见书。北京亚运村图书大厦选址合理性研究

    An unqualified audit report is also known as a " clean " report . Studies on the Reasonableness of the Location Selection for the Bookstore Building of Beijing Asian Games Village