
  1. 他的工作是给学校的图书编索引。

    His work is indexing the books of the school .

  2. 论美术类图书分编与CIP数据标引的统一图书在版编目数据标准化与规范化

    On the unification of the classification and cataloging of the artistic books with CIP data indexing Standardization and Normalization of the CIP Data

  3. 文章针对美术院校图书分编时导入CIP数据所引发的问题,提出相应的解决方法。

    The problems and their solutions for the introduction of CIP data into the classification and cataloging of fine artistic books were also men ˉ tioned in this article .

  4. 图书馆图书分编加工业务成本分析与比较

    The Analysis and Comparison of Books Classifying and Cataloguing Cost

  5. 从一个科技名词看某些图书的编校质量

    The editorial quality of books as illustrated by a science and technology term

  6. 图书分编可以实行目标管理

    The Target Management Adopted in Book Cataloging and Classification

  7. 对图书分编工作中一些问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Problems Concerning Classification and Cataloguing

  8. 港台图书分编过程中的问题与对策

    Problems and their countermeasures in the process of cataloging the books from Hongkong and Taiwan

  9. 图书分编定额管理和目标管理

    Discussion on the Management by Norms and the Management by Objectives in Books ' Classifying and Cataloguing

  10. 查重是图书分编工作的首要环节,直接影响着分编工作的质量。

    Duplicate Checking is the foremost step in classification and catalogue , which affects directly the quality of the catalogue work in the library .

  11. 分析了图书分编、加工工作定额管理的利与弊,通过实践,提出了定额指标确定的依据,并提出了完成定额管理的具体意见。

    This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of norm management in books ' cataloguing and processing , through the practice , advances some foundations of determining the norm indexes , and puts forward some suggestions on implementing norm management .

  12. 在分析图书分编定额管理和目标管理特点的基础上,提出图书分编中应实行定额管理和目标管理相结合的管理方式。

    Based on analysing the features of books ' classifying and cataloguing , this paper points out that in the books ; classifying and cataloguing the method of combining the management by norms and the management by objectives should be practiced .

  13. 期刊编校质量浅析从图书质检看编校问题

    Analysis of the editing problems on the base of book quality checking

  14. 联机环境下集中排架图书的分编技巧探讨

    Discussion on the Technique of Cataloging Online for Books to Be Centralized Shelving

  15. 软件工程研究所(SEI)的FelixBachmann(译者注:Felix是Jolt大奖图书《软件架构编档》的作者)最近谈到了如何有效地评估软件架构、识别企业应用中的风险。

    Felix Bachmann of Software Engineering Institute ( SEI ) recently talked about how to effectively evaluate software architecture and identify risks in enterprise applications .

  16. 国家新近颁布的《图书质量管理规定》对图书的编校质量作出了严格规定,对编校人员提出了更高要求。

    In the new Book Quality Management Rule the quality of books have been strictly regulated , and higher standard is set .

  17. 简单介绍了图书分类编目工作的重要性,并从专业素质、思想素质、体能素质、知识更新能力等方面探讨了图书分编人员应具有的素质和能力。

    This paper introduces the importance of the book classifying and cataloguing work , and probes into the quality and ability that the book classifying and cataloguing personnel should possess from aspects of professional quality , thought quality , physical quality and knowledge updating quality .