
  1. 杨慎:房地产投资将持续增长

    Yang Shen : Continuous hikes on real estate investment

  2. 下编为杨慎散文艺术研究。

    The second part is the art research on Yang Shen ' essays .

  3. 明嘉靖年间的杨慎开始了云南民俗的采录研究;

    Yang Shen began his collection and study of the folk customs of Yunnan .

  4. 本文分上、下两编,集中对杨慎的散文进行初步的探讨和研究。

    This thesis consists of two parts to research primarily on Yang Shen ' essays .

  5. 杨慎认为创作主体既要学识渊博,又要才华横溢;

    Yang Shen thought that the main body of creation should have great learning and superb talent .

  6. 杨慎并州故乡观的内涵及成因&与苏轼故乡观的比较

    The Implications of Yang Shen 's Hometown Outlook and its Source : A Comparison with Su Shi 's

  7. 笔者从三个方面展开论述,首先是杨慎散文的艺术特色。

    The author discusses from three aspects . First is about the artistic feature of the essays by Yang Shen .

  8. 杨慎出生于一个诗书礼仪之家,从小就受到各种文化的熏陶和教育。

    Yang was born in a family of etiquette , exposed to all aspects of culture at his early age .

  9. 杨慎的到来,确确实实给云南文化的发展产生了很大影响,同时在他身后留下了一笔丰厚的文化遗产。

    His coming brought the enormous influence on the cultural development of Yun nan and leaving a big culture inheritance after his death at the same time .

  10. 本文试从文学的角度,探究杨慎诗词对云南旅游文化产生的影响和隐含的价值。

    This article tries to investigate Yang Shen 's poem into the influence to the tour of Yun nan with the implicit value from the literary angle .

  11. 本文经过查核比勘,认为杨慎《词品》在很大程度上存在着因袭前人著述的现象。

    Through the general search , the paper to some extent considered it as existing the phenomenon that is taking over other masterpieces in Song or Yuan Dynasty .

  12. 杨慎是明代中期著名的文学家,其著述宏硕,涉及范围十分广泛。

    Yang Shen was a very famous litterateur who created many works in the middle of Ming Dynasty . And his works relate to wide range of areas .

  13. 最后,在前文的基础上,肯定了杨慎在明代文坛所起的承上启下的重要作用及地位。

    Lastly , on the basis of previous article , the author pays a tribute to Yang Shen because of his important linking role and significant status in the Ming Dynasty literature .

  14. 历代学者对杨慎的研究成果众多,主要集中在他的诗歌、词、散曲等文学品种方面,然而对杨慎散文的研究却相对较少。

    The successive dynasty scholars researched many achievements on Yang Shen , mainly concentrated on his Poetry 、 Ci 、 Sanqu and other types of literature , but rarely on Yang Shen ' essays .

  15. 明朝唐诗学和宋理学文化背景下的杨慎文化观这个观念可由进化的历史上获得证明。

    On Yang Shen s Idea of Culture in the Discourse of Study of Tang s Poetry and Song s Philosophy in Ming Dynasty ; This view is borne out by the history of evolution .

  16. 杨慎与云南沐氏&杨慎交游考述之一(二)家一级演员杨秀微、级演员徐景清主演的《琴心盟》获广东国际艺术节六项奖。

    Yang Shen and the Mu 's Family in Yunnan & A Study on Yang Shen 's Making Friends Opera " Qin Xin Meng " had won six awards in the International Art Festival of Guangdong .

  17. 作为有明一代非常重要的巴蜀文人,杨慎学术思想渊博,著述宏硕,对明清的文风和学术思想有较大的影响。

    As a very important Sichuan scholar in Ming Dynasty , Yang Shen has profound academic thought and many works . He has great impact on the literary style and academic fashion of Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  18. 《古音略例》是明代杨慎为了更好地考定古音音读而作的分析古韵韵例的著作。

    Analysis of Ancient Rhyme Patterns , written by Yang shen in the Ming Dynasty for the purpose of better study of ancient phonetic sounds , is a book which analyzes the patterns of ancient China 's rhymes .

  19. 全文共分四部分,主要内容如下:第一部分介绍杨慎出身在一个儒官世家,青少年时代便富有才名,进入仕途之初就表现了刚正立朝、直言敢谏的品格。

    The thesis is divided into four parts , the main contents are as follows : The first part points out that Yang Shen grew up in a Confucian family , and he was well-known for his literary talent in his youth .