
  • 网络Tula;Tura;Arsenal Tula
  1. 他在南方各州作巡回演说,企图拉选票。

    He barnstormed across the southern states in an attempt to woo the voters .

  2. 这是安古斯图拉树皮,当地人称其为pitcherina,但是Mike却是通过其叶子上厚厚的红色叶脉来辨别。

    This is besmear angostura known to the locals as pitcherina . But Mike recognizes it by the thick red veins in its leaves .

  3. 在莫斯科城外图拉农业区的餐厅MarkiLev,工作人员说,人们对这里供应的一种叫做五分钟的未成熟干酪需求大增。

    Mark I Lev , a farm-to-table restaurant in the Tula farming region outside Moscow , says interest has increased in a young cheese it serves called Five Minutes .

  4. 此地群集的洛杉矶县、橘县(Orange)、凡图拉县(Ventura)、里弗赛德县(Riverside)以及圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)五县之间,存在着不少于183座独立市。

    A clutch of five counties there - Los Angeles , Orange , Ventura , Riverside and San Bernardino - have , between them , no fewer than 183 independent cities .

  5. 穆沙拉夫把贝?布托的死归咎到TTP党的领导人拜亚图拉?马哈苏德的头上,并对外公布了一个他们截获到的对话记录副本,内容听起来应该是拜亚图拉及其手下在讨论这次的攻击事件。

    Musharraf blamed Benazir 's death on Baitullah Mehsud , the TTP leader , and released a transcript of an intercepted phone call that was supposed to be between him and a fellow militant discussing the attack .

  6. 预期辛格今日将宣布建立一个跨党议会委员会,调查前电信部长安迪穆图拉贾(andimuthuraja)对第二代移动通信(2g)频谱的分配情况。

    Mr Singh is expected today to announce a cross-party parliamentary committee probe into the allocation of second generation mobile phone spectrum by andimuthu Raja , former telecoms minister .

  7. 罗马皇帝图拉真(Trajan)在位期间,保留了这些福利项目,还实行一项“供给”(alimenta)福利,用以养育贫苦无靠的孤儿,确保他们衣食无忧,还可以接受教育。

    This early form of welfare continued under Trajan , who implemented a program known as " alimenta " to help feed , clothe and educate orphans and poor children .

  8. 44岁的帕维尔•舍列梅特(PavelSheremet)出生于白俄罗斯,是乌克兰领先调查新闻网站《乌克兰真理报》(UkrainskaPravda)一名屡次获奖的记者。他在驾驶一辆属于网站经理奥廖娜•普里图拉(OlenaPrytula)的汽车时丧生。

    Pavel Sheremet , 44 , a Belarus-born award-winning journalist with Ukrainska Pravda , the country 's leading investigative news website , was killed while driving a car belonging to Olena Prytula , the venture 's manager .

  9. 拜亚图拉却否认他与此事有关,而与塔利班惯常的行事风格大相径庭。

    Baitullah denied responsibility , which was unusual for the Taliban .

  10. 托马斯·阿奎那和波那文图拉论哲学与神学的关系

    Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventura concerning the relations between philosophy and theology

  11. 你竟敢回来?图拉克定要轰杀村民呀!

    You dare return ? Torak will have villagers slain !

  12. 论班图拉观察学习理论的特征及其历史地位

    On the characteristics and historical standing of bandura 's observational learning theory

  13. 从此,索图拉与“阿尔塔米拉洞穴艺术”,共载史册。

    Since then , Suotula and " Altamira cave art ", containing annals .

  14. 巨大的图画中有一幅把图拉真皇帝神化了。

    One of the large paintings showed the apotheosis of the emperor trajan .

  15. 第二章:波纳文图拉神哲学的思想渊源。

    Chapter two : Origin of Bonaventure 's Theory .

  16. 据说内斯塔和图拉母两人中的一个要来皇马?

    It 's said that either Nesta or Thuram is coming to real .

  17. 希达亚图拉是最先打来的人之一。

    Hidayatullah was one of the first to call .

  18. 父亲的朋友希达亚图拉鼓励他坚持自己的立场。

    His friend Hidayatullah told him to stand firm .

  19. 台长一走,希达亚图拉禁不住大笑。

    As soon as the man had gone , Hidayatullah burst into laughter . '

  20. 肥莱尔岛上做著名的建筑是图拉真亭子。

    One of the most famous buildings at Philae is the Kiosk of Trajan .

  21. 当父亲带着妻子回到明戈拉时,希达亚图拉简直惊呆了。

    Hidayatullah was horrified when my father returned to Mingora with a wife . '

  22. 我用的字体图拉真,因为它是一个非常显着寻找字型。

    I 've used the font Trajan because it 's a really dramatic looking font .

  23. 普里图拉当时未在车上。

    She was not in the vehicle .

  24. 他和希达亚图拉连饭钱都快没了,更别说拿钱行贿。

    He and Hidayatullah hardly had money to pay for food , let alone bribes .

  25. 他企图拉我入伙

    He tried to rope me in ...

  26. 父亲的朋友希达亚图拉告诉他,大家应该以我的左眼为荣。

    My father 's friend Hidayatullah told him we should be proud of my eye .

  27. 图拉的原型。

    In three , Ventura prototype .

  28. 不,明天你得帮我,还有图拉。

    No , I 'm going to need you with me , and you , tula .

  29. 历史上的今天-图拉真成为罗马皇帝98年的今天,图拉真在涅尔瓦死后成为罗马帝王。

    Trajan becomes Roman Emperor 98 - Trajan becomes Roman Emperor after the death of Nerva .

  30. 拉脱维亚人举行化装舞会。罗马尼亚人则唱圣歌,歌颂图拉真皇帝和公牛。

    Latvians hold masquerade parties , and Rumanians sing a carol concerning Emperor Trajan and a bull .