
yuán hào
  • horn;French horn
圆号 [yuán hào]
  • [French horn] 铜管乐器,管身圈成圆形,号嘴的形状像漏斗,装有活塞。音色沉静、柔和

圆号[yuán hào]
  1. 法国圆号是最难学的管乐器。

    The French horn is the hardest wind instrument to learn .

  2. 来自广州,擅长长笛和圆号,爱好舞蹈。

    From guangzhou , to be good at flute and French horn , like dance .

  3. 他的父亲是宫廷乐队中一个技巧精湛的圆号演奏家。

    His father was a virtuoso horn player who belonged to the court orchestra .

  4. 在他的职业生涯之初,他是家庭五重奏中的圆号演奏者。

    He began his career as a horn player in a family quintet .

  5. 嘻嘻,我吹的是圆号。

    I am playing French Horn .

  6. 乐器编制为:小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、钢琴、单簧管、圆号、大管。

    The instrumentation : violin , viola , cello , piano , clarinet , horn , bassoon .

  7. 于18世纪末,圆号仍需用变音管来增加其吹奏的音域。

    By the end of the18th century , crooks were used to extend the compass of harmonics .

  8. 莫扎特圆号协奏曲

    Mozart Concertos for Horn

  9. 吹奏这种象唱歌一样的圆号使进行曲和赞美诗逐渐形成了一种它们本来没有的调子。

    Through these " singing horns " the marches and hymns developed a rhythm they had never had before .

  10. 很久以前,在一个遥远的地方,我演奏圆号。

    A long time ago , in a place far , far away , I played the French Horn .

  11. 这部作品也是圆号音乐宝库里的珍品,具有重要的研究价值。

    It is also the curiosity in music thesauruses of French Horn , which has the importance for researching .

  12. 圆号撕声力竭地咆哮,企图以自己的声音传达华彩乐段的动机。

    The horns howl into the fray , trying in their own turn to convey one of the cadenza 's motives .

  13. 不过高中后,我发现一件很重要的事情:乐器(尤其是圆号)真地很贵!

    After high school though , I realized a very important thing : musical instruments ( and French Horns in particular ) are REALLY expensive !

  14. 当然,泰山管乐不光生产单簧管、双簧管、长号、小号、圆号、抱号,还有感叹号!

    Of course , Taishan orchestral instrument not only produces clarinet , oboe , trombone , trumpet , horn and tuba , and also has exclamation mark !

  15. 为长笛2,双簧管2,单簧管2,大管2,圆号2,短号2,女高音,女中音,男高音和弦乐组谱曲。

    Scored for2 flutes , 2 oboes , 2 clarinets , 2 bassoons , 2 horns , 2 trumpets , soprano , alto , tenor and strings .

  16. 解放后的黑人自己练习学会了吹奏这些管乐器。他们还创造性地把圆号的腔调吹得类似人的声音。

    The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments , inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices .

  17. 现在,他们就可以搞到行家制作的管乐器了,这些乐器,很多是南方和北方军队中士兵用过的圆号。

    Now they were able to use professionally-made wind instruments . Many of these were horns that had been left behind by soldiers in the northern and southern armies .

  18. 对于她和我们的邻居来说不幸地是,我已经横了下心要吹圆号了,而且从六年级开始就把它进行到底,一直到高中毕业。

    Unfortunately for her and our neighbors , I was dead set on playing the French Horn and I continued blasting away all the way from sixth grade until I graduated high school .