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  1. 本文提出一种新的水平角观测法,该法把传统的复测法同全圆测回法结合起来。

    This paper puts forward a new method of measuring horizontal angles , which combines the traditional method of reiteration with the method of round .

  2. 公路圆曲线测设参数的计数器编程计算法

    Calculation Methods for Parameters of Road Circle Curves by Programmable Calculator

  3. 一种通用的平行于坐标面圆轴测投影的简化画法

    One current predigestion method on circular isometric project paralleled coordinate plane

  4. 椭球面三角形外接大地圆圆心测地坐标的另一种解法

    Another approach for determination of center for geodetic circle passing through three top points of a triangle on ellipsoidal surface

  5. 四心圆法测设椭圆曲线会造成点位偏移,图形变形。

    Setout ellipse curve with the traditional method of four-center will bring up offset of point and deformation of chart .

  6. 以握笔画圆为测查任务,考察了学龄前儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势及特点。

    This study was designed to investigate the developmental principle and characteristics of pencil grasps in preschool children by mean of their drawing circles .

  7. 在线路施工测量中,圆曲线测设方法有很多,通常采用偏角法或切线支距法。

    There are many methods to measure the circular curved line in circuitry construction survey . Angle offset method and tangent offset method are usually used .

  8. 介绍了曲线最佳点测设法简化计算的原理、施测方法及困难地区圆曲线测设中障碍测设技巧。

    Introduces the simplification calculating principle of setting out of curves optimum spot , the measurement of construction survey and the setting out technique of obstacle in setting out of circular curve of difficulty areas .

  9. 道路交叉圆曲线的测设

    The Method of Stakeout of Circle Curve in Intersection of Road

  10. 提出了林分平均胸径100倍圆法的测树方法、一般操作步骤与技术要求。

    The paper proposes the dendrologic method , general operational procedures and technique requirements of the method of100 times of circles of forest stand average breast diameter .

  11. 在研究成功双乙酸钠零污染合成工艺的基础上,培养成功了晶型完美的大尺寸晶体和适宜进行X光结构分析的小尺寸单晶,并进一步应用四圆衍射仪测得其晶体结构。

    On the basis of developing a new technology to synthesize sodium diacetate ( SDA ) successfully without any pollution , the culture of bigger crystal in perfect shape and single crystal of small dimension suitable for X-ray diffraction was attained .

  12. 道路圆曲线平面详测的又一种新方法

    New measuring methods of circular curves measuring in road construction

  13. 圆曲线的详细测设有火苗从废气排放管窜出;

    Setting - Out Circular Curve In Detail flame blowing out from exhaust pipe ;

  14. 圆曲线的详细测设

    Setting-Out Circular Curve In Detail

  15. 同时,利用广义点摄影测量平差模型可以直接解算出特征线的方程,基于此,本文完成了钣金件上圆目标的量测。

    What 's more , by using general point photogrammetry adjustment model , the character parameters of the curve can be directly worked out .

  16. 基于直线解释正轴测投影图圆环面正轴测计算机绘图的数学模型

    A Method Convenient for Computer Interpretation of Orthographic Axonometric Drawing of Plane Body MATHEMATICAL PATTERN FOR DRAWING THE ORTHOGRAPHIC AXONOMETRIC PROJECTION OF A TORUS WITH A COMPUTER

  17. 因此,选择何种方法能够迅速、准确地测设曲线上各点位,是一个没有彻底解决的问题,通过对比圆曲线的多种测设方法,提出了极坐标法解算标定数据的新方法。

    In this paper a method named inside control in concert with Polar coordinate to resolve the problems was presented and demonstrations were given to show how it works .

  18. 浅析虚测设圆曲线半径确定法圆曲线测设新方法

    A New Method of Circular Curve Location