
yuán pán jù
  • Circular saw;sawing disk
  1. 并用大型有限元结构分析软件ANSYS计算得到了单元速度值,根据结构振动声辐射理论,对圆盘锯机的锯切噪声进行了定量计算分析。

    Using the speed response values of saw blades and workpiece calculated by the large scale finite element analysis software ANSYS , the cutting noise of the disk saw machine is calculated and analyzed quantificationally in accordance with structural sound radiation theory .

  2. 小型圆盘锯机锯切声功率的计算分析

    Calculation Analysis of Cutting Sound Power in Small-Sized Disk Saw Machine

  3. 圆盘锯机性能提升途径

    An approach to improving performance of circular sawing machine

  4. 振动模态测试技术在金刚石圆盘锯横梁结构优化的应用研究

    Application of modal testing technology in optimization design of diamond circular saw beam

  5. 运动参数对圆盘锯锯切过程的影响

    The influences of kinematic parameters of disk-type cold saw on its cutting process

  6. 圆盘锯锯切噪声控制的研究

    On Cutting Noise Control of Circular Saw Blade

  7. 他原本希望能收到一个圆盘锯,但收到礼物后,他觉得那应该是一张礼品券。

    He was hoping for a circular saw and figured it was a gift certificate .

  8. 金刚石圆盘锯锯石特点与锯机参数的选定

    On Mechanism of Sawing Rock Materials by Diamond Impregnated Circular Saw and Parameters of Saw-Mill

  9. 旋转圆盘锯的空气动力噪声

    Aerodynamic noise of rotating circular saw

  10. 65Mn冷切锯片齿部电接触淬火的研究圆盘锯锯片应力分布实验研究

    A Study of Electrocontact Hardening of the Tooth Part of a Cold Cutting Circular Saw Plate Made up

  11. 锯切噪声的主要来源是圆盘锯在锯切力作用下的高频振动发声。

    The cutting noise mainly root in high-frequency vibration of the circular saw blade induced by the cutting force .

  12. 全液压多功能弯管机采用了一种与传统不同的新型全液压摇臂式圆盘锯切机构。

    A new , hydraulically driven , radial saw mechanism is adopted in design of hydraulic pipe bending machine .

  13. 依照相似准则,将试验结果推广到圆盘锯原型上,预测了综合降噪方案所能取得的降噪效果。

    By mapping the testing result to the prototype , the effect of the integrated noise-abating scheme was predicted .

  14. 圆盘锯锯条,带有除钢以外材料的工作零件(包括开槽锯或开缝锯锯条)

    Blade , for circular saws , with working part of materials other than steel ( incl. slitting or slotting saw blades )

  15. 绝对不可把手靠近机器设备的旋转部件上,需要把木材推向圆盘锯时,必须使用推杆。

    Never place your hands near a machine with rotating parts . Make use of push stick when pushing a timer across a circular blade .

  16. 对圆盘锯进行噪声控制可以有效降低热锯机的锯切噪声,减小生产线的噪声污染,保护现场工作人员。

    So the noise control of the circular saw blade can effectively decrease the noise pollution and protect the health of the workers on the production line .

  17. 理论计算值与实测结果的比较表明,所建立的圆盘锯机锯切噪声分析及计算理论是正确的。

    As compared with the practically-measured results , the analysis and the calculation theory established in this paper about cutting noise of the small-sized disk saw machine is correct .

  18. 在锯切力作用下,圆盘锯轴向振动明显,径向和切向振动较小,锯切噪声主要是由轴向脉冲激励引起锯片的轴向振动造成的。

    The axial vibration was obvious while the radial and tangent vibration was inconspicuous due to the cutting force , so the cutting noise owed to the axial vibration .

  19. 本文进一步应用相似理论制作了圆盘锯的试验模型,利用计算机辅助测试技术测试了圆盘锯的前9阶振型和几种降噪措施的降噪效果。

    The first 9th modes and the effect of several noise abating measures were tested with CAT technology on the experimental model that was made according to similarity theory .

  20. 在研究分析桥式金刚石圆盘锯结构、功能的基础上,对金刚石圆盘锯横梁结构进行重新设计以达到降低生产成本的目的。

    Based on analysis of structure and function of bridging diamond circular saw , and in order to reduce the manufacture costs , the crossbeam structure of diamond circular saw was redesigned .

  21. 根据相似理论设计制造了大型圆盘锯机模型,通过实验对模型锯片的声振特性进行了系统深入的研究。

    Based on analogous Theory , the large sized disk saw machine model is manufactured . The sound and vibration properties of model saw blades are studied systematically and deeply via experiments .

  22. 按照本文推荐的公式及有关已知参数,筑路机械设计制造者及筑路施工技术人员很易确定适用于当地筑路区域的锯刀盘切削刃合理厚度。圆盘锯锯片应力分布实验研究

    It suggests theoretically a design formula of reasonable thickness of the cutting blade of cement concrete saw plate on the basis of the systematic analyses and studies . Experiment upon the stress distribution of circular saw plate

  23. 木工圆盘类锯机动态性能研究概况

    Research Survey of Dynamic Performance of Woodworking Circular Disk Saw

  24. 它借签圆盘金刚锯切割加工板材的原理,它将金刚石刀具高速切割技术直接应用在矿山石材荒料的开采。

    They adopt the cutting principle of diamond disk sawing for the boards , while applying the diamond cutter 's high speed sawing technique to the exploitation of mine stone .

  25. 锯切位置对圆盘式冷锯机锯切过程的影响

    The effect of sawing position on the cutting procedure of disk cold saw

  26. 本文分析了锯切位置对圆盘式冷锯机锯切生产率、锯切力和锯切过程稳定性的影响。

    In this paper authors have analysed the effect of sawing Posit ion upon productivity and sawing force of disk cold saw and upon the stability in sawing process .

  27. 圆盘式金属热锯机夹锯功率实验研究

    Experimental research into the frictional power of disk hot metal sawing machine

  28. 以实测为根据,对圆盘式金属热锯机锯片在受径向载荷和轴向载荷作用时的轴向变形进行了分析,找出了热锯机夹锯功率的计算公式。

    Based on measured data , analysis is given of the axial deformation in the chip of disk hot metal sawing machine when under both radial load and axial load . Formulae are shown for calculating the frictional power of the machine .