
gāng jù
  • hacksaw;steel saw;metal saw
钢锯 [gāng jù]
  • [hacksaw] 一种手力或机动细齿锯。用以切割金属或其他坚硬材料

钢锯[gāng jù]
  1. 交变电场真空离子表面合金化工艺及在手用钢锯条上的应用

    Vacuum Ion Surface Alloying in Alternating Current Field and its Application for Hacksaw Blade

  2. 梅尔·吉布森的战争电影《血战钢锯岭》凭借1亿2300万元的成绩位居第二位。

    Mel Gibson 's war film " Hacksaw Ridge " landed in second place with revenue of 123 million yuan .

  3. 结果表明,在210C、1h回火条件下,钢锯条具有最佳静弯曲强度及挠度。

    Results show that the steel saw blade by tempering at 210 ℃, 1 hour has optimum bending strength and deflection .

  4. 研制出了锯切自动控制模型和电机自动定位模型,大型H型钢锯切自动控制模型,解决了热锯和冷锯运行速度和过载之间不匹配的问题,缩短锯切周期所用的时间。

    Making out saw control model and position control model , Heavy H-beam saw control model resolve the speed and overload relation between hot saw and cold saw , making short about the saw cycle .

  5. 使用光学显微镜、显微硬度计、X射线衍射、SEM、TEM等方法对高速切削30CrNi3MoV高强度钢锯齿形切屑中第一和第二变形区内形成绝热剪切带和白层进行了观察和研究。

    Adiabatic shear bands and white layers in primary and secondary deformation zones within the serrated chips formed during high speed cutting of 30CrNi_3MoV steel were investigated by optical microscope , microhardness tester , XRD , SEM and TEM .

  6. 钢锯条的无公害热处理新工艺

    A Pollution - Free Process for Hardening Treatment of Handsaw Blades

  7. 手用钢锯条液体碳氮共渗工艺的研究

    A Study on Producing Hand saw with Liquid Carbonitriding Process of Regenerating Cyanate Salt Bath

  8. 本实用新型涉及一种普通金属锯割加工的组合式多功能钢锯弓。

    The utility model relates to a multi-functional steel saw bow sawed from common metal .

  9. 气体碳氮共渗20钢锯条静载弯曲强度的研究

    Study on the Dead Bending Strength of 20 ~ # Steel Saw Blades by Gas Carbonitriding

  10. 引进及国产化高速钢锯片的质量对比与分析

    Analysis and Comparison of Qualities between the Saws Imported from Foreign Country and made in China

  11. 该工艺包括高速钢锯条的退火、制齿、淬火和回火等一系列过程。

    The technology includes anneal , cutting teeth , quenching and flareback for the high speed saw blade .

  12. 用弯曲强度及挠度评定钢锯条抗弯曲断裂的能力。

    The ability of the bending and cracking resistance of the steel saw blade was evaluated by bending strength and deflection .

  13. 相信我,这不是你想要什么工作由手工与你的信赖钢锯。

    Trust me , this is not the kind of job you want to do by hand with your trusty hacksaw .

  14. 我把角夹在台虎钳上用钢锯从中间锯成两半。

    The horn was split down the center into two halves with a hacksaw , while being held in a vise .

  15. 33岁的美国演员安德鲁.加菲尔德在梅尔.吉布森执导的新片《血战钢锯岭》中扮演戴斯蒙德.道斯一角时,便遭遇了这样的两难境地。

    American actor Andrew Garfield , 33 , faced that * dilemma when playing Desmond Doss in recent Mel Gibson film Hacksaw Ridge .

  16. 有的,除了各种尺寸的锯外,我们还有一把钢锯,一把板锯和一把钢丝锯。

    Yes , we have a hack saw , a panel saw , and a coping saw , apart from saws of different sizes .

  17. 闲来无事,用钢锯条做刀剑。木做剑鞘刀鞘,包真皮,寿山石和黄杨木做的装具。

    I 'm free and make a sword by hacksaw , a scabbard by wood , with corium covered on , and fittings by Shoushan stone and boxwood .

  18. 本文对钢锯行业热处理车间盐浴炉废气中氢化氰的治理作了调查研究与方案论证。

    The treatment of hydrogen cyanide in the waste gas from the salt bath furnace in the heat treatment shop of steel saw industry has been investigated and its programme has been discussed in this paper .

  19. 通过对再结晶机制的探讨,确定了高强度钢锯齿形切屑绝热剪切带内材料的再结晶机制为旋转式动态再结晶。

    The rotational dynamic recrystallization model based on mechanical mechanism is analyzed , the results indicate that the rotational dynamic recrystallization mechanism may rationally explain the recrystallization process occurred in the adiabatic shear bands within the sawtooth chips .