
  • 网络Land restoration;Land Rehabilitation
  1. 我国的土地恢复

    Land restoration in China

  2. 建立了单一时相矿山灾害调查和多时相灾害监测的预测方法;建立了矿山废弃堆积体、泥石流的危险性评价方法;建立了土地恢复现状调查评价方法。

    In short , the author has prediction method mechanism for the single-temporal survey and the multi-temporal monitoring on mine disaster , the risk evaluation method to the mine waste accumulation and the debris flow , the evaluation method to the status survey on land restoration .

  3. 关于西南岩溶区石漠化土地恢复重建目标的讨论

    A discussion on restoration and rehabilitation objectives of rocky desertification land in southwest karst region of China

  4. 双方同意,采矿后中方会将土地恢复原貌,并且当地居民也会从采矿中受益。

    It was agreed that the Chinese would repair the land after mining , and that local people would benefit .

  5. 1970年通过的采矿法规定将露天采矿破坏的土地恢复成具有类似于原等高线结构和原有表土的地貌。

    Mining laws passed in the 1970s resulted in restoration of fragipan and similar surface soils with grading to approximate original contour .

  6. 科尔沁沙地沙漠化土地恢复面临的挑战毛乌素沙地历史沙漠化过程与人地关系

    Challenge to the desertification reversion in Horqin Sandy Land Process of Historical Desertification of Mu Us Desert and Relationship Between Nature and Human Beings

  7. 有人为因素参与的退化土地恢复与生态重建,可以在短期内取得明显效果。

    An obvious effect can be achieved during a short period in restoring the degraded land and in regenerating the ecology affected by artificial factors .

  8. 在比利时和其他合作伙伴(见右侧名单)等捐助方的支持下,粮农组织正在帮助他们使土地恢复生产。

    With support from donors like Belgium and other partners ( see list at right ), FAO is helping them bring the land under production again .

  9. 法庭无情地强迫达到这种需要限度,有时很过分地要求被非法填充的土地恢复它的自然面貌。

    Courts have aggressively enforced the permit requirement , sometimes going so far as to require that land illegally filled be returned to its natural condition .

  10. 这片土地会恢复为荒野,有辐射的地方,

    and it will revert to a wild , radioactive place ,

  11. 政府决定从洪水中挽救那块土地,恢复耕作。

    The government is determined to reclaim the piece of land from flooding .

  12. 矿区土地生态恢复及可持续利用协同理论研究

    The study about the land restoration on mine areas and coordinated theory of its continued use

  13. 德兴铜矿1号尾矿库废弃土地生态恢复试验研究

    Study on the Eco-recover Test of Waste Land of 1 # Tailings Bank in Dexing Copper Mine

  14. 洱海东部面山石漠化土地生态恢复措施

    Status quo of Desertification Land of Eastern Surface Hills of Erhai Lake and the Countermeasures for Ecological Regeneration

  15. 本文综述了竹林在控制土壤侵蚀,涵养水源退化土地的恢复,以及大气二氧化碳减方面的生态功能。参50。

    This review describes ecological functions of the bamboo forest on soil erosion control , water conservation , land rehabilitation , and carbon sequestration .

  16. 从而建立起沙漠化土地生态恢复的可持续运行机制,实现沙漠化地区生态、社会、经济的可持续和谐发展。

    Thus they may build a mechanism of sustainable operation , finally they may keep on harmonious development among ecology , society and economy .

  17. 事实上,收回土地,恢复盆地以往肥沃村庄的努力仍在继续。

    Efforts to reclaim the land and restore the basin to the fertile valley it once was ... well , actually , those efforts are still ongoing .

  18. 采用沙化土地植被恢复技术,构建沙化土地研究示范区,对野外环境下湿地松幼苗的生长进行研究,并提出了利用湿地松进行鄱阳湖区沙化土地恢复与重建的建议对策。

    Adopt new techniques of vegetation restoration to establish demonstration zones . Make an investigation on the growth of P. elliottii , propose the restoration of sandy land vegetation measures .

  19. 因此治理煤矸石山的目的应该是减少对大气、土壤和水的污染,有效的方法是通过土地复垦恢复所破坏土地的使用功能,恢复矿区生态环境。

    So during the place of coal wasting rocks we should reduce polluting atmosphere , soil and water . The valid method is recovering usage function of broken land and environment in coal mine area by rehabilitation .

  20. 将对所破坏和占用的土地进行恢复利用,开展矿区生态重建工作,保护矿区生态环境,从而保证矿区可持续发展战略的实施和发展。

    Will be occupied by the destruction and to restore use of the land to carry out mine ecological reconstruction , protection of ecological environment in mining areas , mining areas in order to ensure the implementation of sustainable development strategies and development .

  21. 在农业生产历史上,最初出现土壤侵蚀时,有时农民就迁往别处,让废弃的土地尽快恢复地力。有时候,农民只好受穷,靠耕种贫瘠的土地糊口。

    When erosion first appeared in the history of agriculture , the farmers sometimes moved on to another place , leaving the wasted land to recover as best it could ; some times they sank into poverty , trying to make a living from the barren soil .

  22. 土地退化/恢复中土壤可蚀性动态变化

    Dynamic changes of soil erodibility during process of land degradation and restoration

  23. 贵州石漠化退化土地及植被恢复模式

    The study on degraded land and its vegetation restoration models of desertification in Guizhou

  24. 黄河源头区沙化土地现状及恢复措施

    Current situation of desertification of origin place of the Yellow River and restoration strategy

  25. 铁矿区土地复垦是恢复矿区生态环境的主要措施。

    The reclamation of the mining area land is the main measure to recover its ecological environment .

  26. 这就是整体恢复了原状。最重要的限制是要求把土地收复并恢复到原来的状态。

    The most important of these restrictions require restoration of the land to approximately its original state .

  27. 综合两级评价体系,最终为土地生态环境恢复方向提出了合理的建议。

    Comprehensive the two levels evaluation system , ultimately getting the evaluation result of the land ecological restoration .

  28. 贵州喀斯特石漠化土地的植被恢复技术研究

    A Study on the Ways of Vegetation Restoration and the Technology of Afforestation in Karst Rock Desertification Land in Guizhou

  29. 那么如何对我国矿区进行有效地开展土地复垦、恢复生态环境,以达到可持续发展的目的,是摆在我国各级政府面前的一个重大课题。

    Thus how to reclaim land effectively and restore eco-environment to maintain sustainable development of mining areas has become a significant problem that the government has to solve .

  30. 对岷江上游土地岭生态恢复过程中的群落外貌、物种组成和结构进行了研究。

    The physiognomy , species composition and the structure of communities in the restoration process in Tudiling of Mao County on upper reach of Minjiang River were studied .