
  • 网络soil and fertilizer;Soil fertilizer;soil fertilization
  1. 基于3S的土壤肥料专家系统研究

    Soil and fertilizer expert system based on rs. GIS and GPS

  2. YN型快速土壤肥料养分测定仪的研制

    Development of YN Type Speediness Soil and Fertilizer Nutrient Measuring Apparatus

  3. 介绍了YN型土壤肥料养分测定仪的结构及工作原理。

    The paper gives a detailed introduction to the structure and working principle of YN type speediness soil and fertilizer nutrient measuring apparatus .

  4. 土壤肥料氮的残留率在29%~41%之间,分布于1m土层中,其中60%以上集中在0~20cm土层;

    The fertilizer N residue rate was from 29 % to 41 % , and 60 % of N residue , which distributed in 1m depth soil concentrated in 0 ~ 20cm surface layer ;

  5. 实测数据表明YN型土壤肥料养分测试仪性能指标达到和超过了国家有关标准,其精度满足农村定量测土施肥的要求。

    The measured data have indicated that the performance index of the YN soil nutrient tester achieves and has surpassed the national related standards . Its precision satisfies the request of quantitative testing soil and applying fertilizer in the rural area .

  6. 砖红壤地区旱地土壤肥料养分淋失研究进展

    Research Advances on Leaching of Fertilizer Nutrients in the Latosol Areas

  7. 《土壤肥料》计量分析与评价

    Bibliometric Analysis and Evaluation of the Journal Entitled Soil and Fertilizer

  8. 土壤肥料学会在农业现代化建设中的责任

    The Responsibilities of Soil and Fertilizer Institute in the Modernization

  9. 中国土壤肥料工作的成就与任务

    Achievements and TSKS of soil and fertilizer work in China

  10. 农用土壤肥料养分测定仪研制

    The Development of Instrument for Analysing Soil and Fertilizer Nutrient in Countryside

  11. 新疆土壤肥料信息服务网站开发

    Development of web site of Xinjiang soil fertilizer information service

  12. 化学计量学方法在土壤肥料研究中的应用

    The Application of the Chemometrics Methods in the Research of Soil Fertilizer

  13. 《土壤肥料学》课程教学改革思考与实践

    On Reforming the Teaching " Soil Fertilizer Science " Course

  14. 土壤肥料学实验教学方法的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Soil and Fertilizer Experiment Teaching Methods

  15. 安徽土壤肥料信息系统中施肥决策的研究

    Fertilizer Application Decision in a Soil and Fertilizer Information System in Anhui Province

  16. 土壤肥料急性经口毒性的试验方法研究

    Study on Acute Oral Toxicity Test of Soil Fertilizer

  17. 本文将化学计量学方法引入土壤肥料研究。

    The article introduces the chemometrics methods into the research of soil fertilizer .

  18. 谈国情教育在土壤肥料学教学中的加强

    Strengthening the Situation Education of a Country in Soil and Fertilizer Science Teaching

  19. 河北省土壤肥料科学回顾与展望

    The Retrospect and the Prospect of Soil and Fertilizer Science in Hebei Province

  20. 广东省土壤肥料技术推广体系创新的思考

    The thinking on innovation of popularization system of soil and fertilizer technology in Guangdong

  21. 同位素示踪技术在作物营养生理和土壤肥料科学研究中的应用概况

    The application of isotopic TRACER-TECHNIQUE in plant nutrition , soil science and Agricultural Chemistry

  22. 商洛市中药材种植土壤肥料信息系统功能

    Function of Soil and Fertilizer Information System of Chinese Traditional Medicine for Shangluo City

  23. 土壤肥料化验室检测技术咨询系统研究

    The Research on Expert System of Detection Technology Consultation in the Soil and Fertilizer Laboratory

  24. 太湖地区宜兴市土壤肥料现状问题与对策

    The Actualities , Problems and Countermeasures of Soil and Fertilizer in Yixing City , Tai Lake Area

  25. 因此,在利用污泥作为土壤肥料的同时,使用黄腐酸强化植物修复以移除其中的重金属,可减轻土壤污染。

    The irrigation method was proposed as an enhanced-phytoremediation technology applied in polluted sewage sludge with heavy metals .

  26. 仿桑园优质土壤肥料的研究(Ⅱ)&桑园优质土壤矿质营养分析

    STUDIES ON QUALITY SOIL MANURE FOR MULBERRY FIELDS (ⅱ) Analysis of mineral nutrients in quality soil of mulberry field

  27. 中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所成立于1957年。

    Soil and Fertilizer Institute ( SFI ) of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science ( CAAS ) was founded in1957 .

  28. 目的观察一次经口给予小鼠土肥后,动物在短期内出现的健康损害效应,从而建立一套经济、快捷的土壤肥料急性毒性检测标准方法。

    Objective To establish a economic and short-term method of soil fertilizer through the acute health hazard in mice for acute oral toxicity evaluation .

  29. 本研究课题属于土壤肥料学、粘土矿物学、农业平衡施肥原理与化工控释技术交叉结合的前沿课题。

    This study belongs to the across front item among soil fertilizers , clay minerals , agriculture balance fertilizing principle and chemical engineering controlled release technology .

  30. 作为一项探索性的工作,本研究是计算机技术、信息技术和土壤肥料、植物营养技术集成的尝试。

    As an exploring program for the establishment of Soil and Fertilizer Information System , the study was trying to combine computer information technology with soil and plant nutrition technology .