
  • 网络Soil management
  1. GurianSherman说,传统作物培育和更好的土壤管理也能改善抗干旱的情况,而且无须担心成本问题以及因为基因工程引起的争议。

    And Gurian Sherman notes conventional crop breeding and better soil management are also improving drought tolerance without the cost and controversy of genetic engineering .

  2. 土壤管理对枇杷生长的影响

    Effects of Fertilizing and Soil Management on the Growth of Young Loquat

  3. 农田土壤管理中的GIS技术应用研究

    The GIS Application in Management of Field Soil

  4. 不同土壤管理方式对金柑VA菌根侵染率的影响

    Effect of Different Soil Managements on VA Mycorrhizal Infection of Kumquat

  5. 1在不同土壤管理方式下,夏早期间李园0~20cm和20~40cm土层含水量,以刈割覆盖处理最高。

    During the summer drought period , as far as water-containing soil layers , ranging from zero to 20 cm deep and from 20 cm to 40 cm deep , are concerned , among different soil management modes , mowing and covering contains the highest moisture content .

  6. 红壳竹笋用林土壤管理的研究

    Study on the Soil Management of Phyllostachys meyeri for Shoot

  7. 不同的土壤管理措施对土壤微生物群落结构影响较大,长期连作、大量的外援化学物质的应用降低了土壤微生物的多样性;

    Soil microbial community diversity was also strongly affected by soil management .

  8. 葡萄园杂草控制是土壤管理的一个重要方面。

    Weed control is one important aspect of soil managements in vineyard .

  9. 上述结果可为柑桔砧木的选择、土壤管理等提供参考。

    The results would be useful to the selection of Citrus rootstock etc.

  10. 土壤管理方式对果-草人工生态系统土壤性质影响

    Effects of Soil Management Ways on Soil Properties of an Artificial Fruit-Grass Ecosystem

  11. 四种土壤管理方式对李园土壤物理、化学、生物学性状影响的研究

    Effects of Four Soil Managements on Soil Physical 、 Chemical 、 Biological Properties

  12. 土壤管理方式对李园土壤理化性质影响研究

    Effects of Soil Managements on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Plum Orchards

  13. 有效的土壤管理方法常被束之高阁。

    Responsible soil management practices are cast aside .

  14. 不同土壤管理措施对山地核桃生长结果的影响

    Effect of Different Soil Management Measures on the Growth of Walnut in Mountainous Area

  15. 土壤管理模式对幼龄果园根际土壤养分和酶活性影响初探

    Effect of soil management on nutrients and enzyme activity in rhizosphere soil of young orchard

  16. 土壤管理措施及环境因素对土壤微生物多样性影响研究进展

    Effect of soil management practices and environmental factors on soil microbial diversity : a review

  17. 施肥与土壤管理对枇杷幼树生长与结果的影响

    Effects of Fertilization and Soil Management on the Growth and Fruiting of Young Eriobotrya japonica

  18. 稻麦轮作条件下长期不同土壤管理对有机质和全氮的影响

    Long-term Impact of Different Soil Management on Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen in Rice-based Cropping System

  19. 淮北煤矿塌陷区杨树人工林土壤管理模式的研究

    A study on the soil management model for Poplar Plantation in Huaibei coal mine collapsed area

  20. 在撒哈拉以南非洲,改善的作物品种、化肥和土壤管理正在帮助节水。

    In Sub-Saharan Africa , improved crop varieties , fertiliser and soil management are helping conserve water .

  21. 黄河三角洲地区冬枣根系生长规律与土壤管理研究

    Study on Laws of Root Growth of Winter Date and Soil Management in the Area of Yellow River Delta

  22. 荒漠优势物种生物量的定量测量是荒漠土壤管理的重要依据。

    Most desert soil management decisions are based on quantitative measurements of the biomass of the dominant plant species .

  23. 为了阻止耕地地力的持续下降和生态环境进一步恶化,土壤管理方式必须由传统的耕作方式转向保护性耕作。

    To avert our arable land from further degradation , soil management must be shifted from degrading tillage to conservation practices .

  24. 苹果园土壤管理模式研究Ⅱ山丘旱地沟草养根果园覆盖制度试验

    The Soil Management Pattern in Apple Orchard ⅱ Experiment on Management System of Mulching and Burying Straw in Hilly Dry Orchard

  25. 较具体地综述了国外有机葡萄生产中的病、虫、草害和土壤管理技术。

    The techniques used to control diseases , pests and weeds in organic grape production in foreign countries are summarized in comparative detail .

  26. 针对板栗生产实际情况,加强栗林土壤管理非常迫切。

    Based on the practice of chestnut production , it is very exigent and significant to intensify the soil management of chestnut forest .

  27. 建设健康的城市生态环境需要闭合开放状态的物质循环链条,这必然需要科学的城市土壤管理策略。

    It is called to close the loop by a better management of urban soils in order to facilitate a healthy urban ecosystem .

  28. 本文分析了沙地巨峰葡萄早衰的原因,提出了防治早衰的树体管理及土壤管理技术。

    This paper analysed the causes leading to the premature senesence of grape on sandy land and put forward the plant and soil management techniques .

  29. 今后应深入研究不同土地利用和土壤管理措施下土壤活性碳库组成与土壤结构稳定性的关系;

    In the end , the authors propose researches in future to elucidate the relationship between soil organic carbon pools and soil structure stability under different land uses and soil managements ;

  30. 本文综述了土壤管理措施及环境因素对土壤微生物多样性影响的研究进展,并介绍了土壤微生物多样性的研究方法。

    In this paper , the effect of soil management practices and environmental factors on soil microbial diversity are reviewed and the methods for studying soil microbial diversity are briefly introduced .