
  1. 川西平原小麦倒伏原因的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the causes of wheat lodging in West Sichuan Plain

  2. 小麦倒伏的光谱特征及遥感监测

    The Canopy Spectral Features and Remote Sensing of Wheat Lodging

  3. 小麦倒伏及其对粒重的影响

    Effect of Lodging on Grain Weight in Wheat

  4. 防止小麦倒伏的技术

    The Technique on Preventing Wheat from Lodging

  5. 小麦倒伏的茎秆特征及对产量与品质的影响

    Stem Characteristics of Wheat with Stem Lodging and Effects of Lodging on Grain Yield and Quality

  6. 引起小麦倒伏的因子分析

    Factors affecting lodging of wheat

  7. 在大田示范中,使小麦倒伏面积减少1/5~1/3;

    In large area experiment , praying MET resulted in about 1 / 5-1 / 3 reduction loding areas .

  8. 除作物养分外,风险管理指导还提供对立苗、草、虫害与小麦倒伏防治等有价值的信息。

    In addition to crop nutrition , the guide will provide valuable information on crop establishment , and control of weeds , insects , disease and lodging in wheat .

  9. 结合川西平原小麦倒伏的实际,本文认为,该区小麦倒伏的主要原因在极而不在茎秆高度。

    In view of the facts of lodging in West Sichuan Plain , we considered that the major cause leading to wheat lodging lay in the root but not in the plant height in this area .

  10. 结合降雨量分析倒伏发生情况,结果表明春小麦倒伏主要发生在2个时期,即穗重快速增长期和乳熟末期至蜡熟初期。

    The lodging of spring wheat was observed to happen mainly in 2 periods or the period of quick increase of ear weight and the period from late milk stage to early dough stage with rainfall .

  11. 典型风荷载对小麦茎秆倒伏的影响

    The effect of special wind load on wheat stem lodger

  12. 明显增强小麦抗倒伏能力;

    The lodging resistance capability was strengthened obviously ;

  13. 大麦倒伏机理及大麦、小麦抗倒伏性能的比较

    A Study on the Lodging Mechanism of Barley and Comparing Wheat With Barley in Resistance to Lodging

  14. 利用力学理论和方法,分析了典型风荷载对小麦茎秆倒伏的影响。

    A dynamic model for wheat stem is established . According to it , the influence of certain wind load on wheat stem will be analyzed by using dynamic theory and method .

  15. 小麦的抗倒伏能力增强,增产5%~15%,在产量构成三因素中,群体增加3%~5%,千粒重增加3.4%,穗粒数增加4.0%。

    Of the three yielding factors , the population was increased for 3 % - 15 % , thousand kernels weight was increased by 3.4 % , kernel number per spike was increased by 4 % .

  16. 成熟期免耕处理的株高较低,可提高小麦的抗倒伏能力。

    In the later stage , the height of plant was not related with straw returning , which was lower in the ripening stage in no tillage treatments . That improved the ability of lodging resistance .

  17. 小麦形态性状与倒伏的相关分析

    The Correlation Analysis of the Stem Traits and Lodging in Wheat

  18. 豫西黄土丘陵区冬小麦化控抗倒伏试验研究

    Study on Lodging-resistance by Chemical Control of Winter Wheat in the Loess Hilly Area of West Henan Province

  19. 根据此关系式,可对小麦茎秆的抗倒伏能力进行综合评价和预测。

    According to this formula , we can get a total evaluation and prediction about wheat stem lodger resistance .

  20. 我们开始做小麦最高产量试验时,在小区内架上铁丝,也有效地防止了小麦倒伏。

    In our initial maximum wheat yield experiments , we utilized wires through the plots to keep the wheat from lodging .