
  • 网络Soil chemistry;geochemistry
  1. 土壤化学性质表现为:Al3+水解产生大量H+,降低了水田湛水层和土层的pH值;

    The soil chemistry nature performance is Al ~ ( 3 + ) hydrolyzed and produces massive H ~ + , pH of water and soil reduced ;

  2. 模拟酸雨对土壤化学及其蔬菜生长的影响

    Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Soil Chemistry and Vegetable Growth

  3. 在土壤化学指标方面,研究区土壤的pH值均为中性偏弱碱性。

    PH values are neutral and alkaline in the research soil .

  4. 借助于GIS,SPSS技术,揭示了土壤化学成分在水平、垂直方向的动态变化和分布规律。

    With application of GIS and SPSS , it was analyzed that dynamical change and horizontal and vertical distribution of chemical elements .

  5. 在土壤化学分析的基础上研究分析用不同N、P、K配方施肥与辣椒枯萎病发生的关系。

    The relationship between incidence of fusarium wilt in chilly and the amount and preparation of N. P. K fertilizer was studied on the bases of soil chemical analysis .

  6. 在全球变化趋势下,CO2和O3浓度升高可改变植物群体组成,碳在地下生态系统的分配等最终间接地改变土壤化学特性。

    In global change trend , the studies on effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on plant-soil ecosystem become hotspot matter and obtain determinate harvest .

  7. 酸雨胁迫下的土壤化学性质分析(1)酸雨过后不同深度的林下土壤pH值可下降0.21.3个单位,且Al3+、Hg2+、Pb2+等有毒有害离子含量明显升高。

    Chemical characters of soil ( 1 ) pH values of different depth of soil declined 0.21.3 after acid rain , and concentration of harmful ions such as Al3 + , Hg2 + and Pb2 + increased obviously .

  8. 重金属污染土壤化学萃取技术研究

    The Research on Chemical Extraction Technologies of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils

  9. 设施栽培对土壤化学性质及微生物区系的影响

    Influence of Greenhouse Cultivation on Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Community

  10. 温州市土壤化学元素含量特点

    The Characteristics of Element Contents of Soils in Wenzhou City

  11. 松茸圈扩散与土壤化学元素含量之间的关系

    Relationship between Tricholoma matsutake Circle spreading and Chemical Element Contents in Soil

  12. 不同大气污染区林地土壤化学和微生物特性

    The chemical and microbial characteristics of forest soil at different polluted areas

  13. 灼烧对保护地土壤化学性质的影响

    Effects of burning on the chemical properties of soil in protective ground

  14. 大兴安岭北部地区林火对土壤化学性质的影响

    Effect of Forest Fire on Soil Chemical Properties in Northern Daxing'an Mountains

  15. 火灾对马尾松林土壤化学性质的影响

    Effects of Fire Disturbance on Soil Chemical Properties of Pinus Massoniana Forest

  16. 灌溉水质对土壤化学特征和作物生长的影响

    Effect of irrigation water quality on soil chemical characteristics and crop growth

  17. 灌溉水质对草坪土壤化学性质的影响

    Effect of irrigation water quality on the chemical properties of lawn soil

  18. 2植被恢复使土壤化学性质发生变化。

    2 There were remarkable different on soil chemical properties in different vegetation .

  19. 模拟酸雨淋洗下土壤化学和矿物风化特性的变化

    Chemical and Mineralogical Changes of Soil under the Influence of Simulated Acid Rain

  20. 硼的土壤化学及其生物有效性的研究进展

    Advance in Soil Chemistry of Boron and Its Bioavailability

  21. 森林土壤化学元素与环境因子关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between chemical elements in forest soil and site factors

  22. 课程包括植物生物学,昆虫学,土壤化学和植物繁殖。

    Coursework includes plant biology , entomology , soil chemistry , and plant propagation .

  23. 海南典型胡椒园土壤化学肥力现状分析与评价

    Analysis and Assessment of Soil Chemical Fertility in Typical Black Pepper Gardens in Hainan

  24. 花江小流域石漠化过程中土壤化学性质变化研究

    Study on Changes of Soil Chemical Properties in the Process of Karst Rocky Desertification

  25. 森林土壤化学性质与土壤酶活性典型相关分析

    A Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Chemical Properties and Enzyme Activity of Forest Soil

  26. 半个世纪以来海南省五指山土壤化学性质变化

    Change on Soil Chemical Properties of Hainan Wuzhi Mountain in the Last Half Century

  27. 土壤化学环境及鲜叶营养元素对武夷岩茶香气成分的影响

    Effect on chemical environment in soil and nutritive element of leaf to odorous constituents

  28. 淋巴肉瘤高发牧场周围环境的地球化学及土壤化学调查

    Investigation of the Environment Around a Cow Farm with a High Lymphosarcoma Incidence Rate

  29. 茶园土壤化学性质的研究

    Study on chemical properties of tea garden soil

  30. 北京地区铬的土壤化学地理

    Soil chemical geography of chromium in Beijing