
  • 网络soil productivity
  1. 生产力指数模型PI在北方土壤生产力评价中的应用

    Applied Productivity Index Model ( PI ) in Soil Productivity Assessment of Northern China

  2. MPI模型在矸石山复垦土壤生产力评价中的应用

    Application of MPI for Evaluating Reclaimed Soil Productivity in Waste Hill

  3. 在建立复垦土壤生产力机理模型的基础上,提出了复垦土壤生产力指数的修正模型MPI,MPI考虑了影响土壤生产力的因子间的相关性和时空变异性。

    After developing a model To explain the mechanism of reclaimed soil , modified index model of reclaimed soil Productivity ( MPI ) is conducted .

  4. 试验结果表明:以有机肥或以化肥形式配合施用NPK不但可以极大提高土壤生产力,而且有益于增加土壤有机碳储量。

    The input of NPK as either organic manures or chemical fertilizers not only greatly improved soil productivity but also was of benefit to the soil as a carbon sink .

  5. 上述结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高可能通过稻田生态系统与周边水域的物质交换,而影响稻田生态系统碳氮循环和土壤生产力、周边水环境质量及人类健康。

    As a result , that will affect the carbon and nitrogen cycling in Paddy field ecosystem , soil productivity , the biogeochemical cycle and interchange of these mineral elements between land ecosystem and aquatic ecosystem , the surrounding water quality and human health .

  6. 有机肥在侵蚀退化土壤生产力恢复中的作用研究

    Effect of organic amendments on restoring productivity of eroded calcareous soil

  7. 泥浆泵复垦土壤生产力的评价及其土壤重构

    Productivity appraisal of soil reclaimed by HDP and its reconstruction

  8. 土壤生产力;土石混合介质中非反应性阴离子运移试验研究

    Experimental study of non-reactive anion transport in the soil - stone mixture

  9. 非表层剖面层次土壤生产力评价研究

    Evaluation of productivity of some sub-surface layers of soil profile

  10. 说明自然植被恢复是提高农田土壤生产力的有效途径。

    Natural vegetation restoration is an effective way to improve soil productivity .

  11. 苏皖两省油菜的气候&土壤生产力研究

    A study on climatic-soil productivity for rape in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces

  12. 加强农田水利基本建设,提高土壤生产力。

    Strengthen irrigation construction , improve the soil productivity .

  13. 福建省甘薯气候-土壤生产力与粮食安全对策

    Climate-Soil Productivity of Sweet Potatoes and Measures for Food Security in Fujian Province

  14. 长期施肥对绿洲农田土壤生产力及土壤硝态氮积累的影响

    Effect of Long-Term Fertilization on Soil Productivity and Nitrate Accumulation in Gansu Oasis

  15. 土壤生产力水平与土壤肥力水平的本质代表-特征微团聚体比例间没有显著的相关关系。

    There was no significant relationship between soil productivity and soil microaggregates proportion .

  16. 黄土高原南部水土流失降低土壤生产力的评价

    Evaluation on Productivity Decreased by Soil and Water Loss in the Southern Loess Plateau

  17. 针对养分现状及存在问题,提出提高褐土土壤生产力的措施。

    Furthermore , some measures to increase the productivity of cinnamon soil were proposed .

  18. 福建省粮食作物气候-土壤生产力及人口承载量的研究

    Climate-Soil productivity of grain crops and potential population supporting capacity of land in Fujian Province

  19. 东北黑土区土壤生产力评价方法研究

    Study on the Method of Soil Productivity Assessment in Northeast Black Soil Regions of China

  20. 矿山复垦土壤生产力指数的修正模型

    Modified index of reclaimed soil productivity

  21. 氮是植物生长所必需的营养元素,是土壤生产力的重要限制性因素。

    Nitrogen is essential nutrients for plants , and is also an important limiting factor in soil productivity .

  22. 结果表明:土壤生产力;

    It means that extending harvest time cannot result in the yield of above items increasing . soil productivity ;

  23. 进行合理轮作,不但能获得高产,而且可保持土壤生产力。

    The cropping pattern should be adjusted , so as to give a higher yield and maintain land productivity .

  24. 本试验条件下水稻产量有44.6%来自土壤生产力,55.4%的产量来自人们的施肥和栽培。

    Under this experiments , 44.6 % of rice yields come form soil productive forces , its 55.4 % come form applying fertilizer and cultivate .

  25. 肥料施用对农田土壤生产力及土壤碳循环的影响是农业与陆地生态系统碳循环及全球变化研究的重要科学问题。

    Effect of fertilization on crop productivity and C cycling of cropland soils has been one of the foci in research of C cycling and global change .

  26. 微生物群落的多样性水平与生态系统的结构、功能密不可分,是维持土壤生产力的重要组分。

    The diversity of microbial communities is closely related to the structure and functions of the ecosystems , and thus is vital for the maintenance of soil productivity .

  27. 通过对各土类农田防护林林分蓄积生长量和土壤生产力的综合分析,把河西走廊立地级划分为四类。

    Site level in Hexi-corridor area was divided into 4 types by comprehensive analyzing the growing stock of stand and soil productivity of all kinds of farmland shelterbelt .

  28. 本文以淮南新庄孜和大通复垦区为研究对象,对复垦土壤生产力、土壤养分、土壤环境质量以及农作物健康安全等方面进行分析评价,综合研究煤矸石复垦土地的复垦效应。

    Study on the reclamation effect of coal gangue reclamation land by analyzing and assessing the soil productivity , soil nutrient , soil environmental quality and food security of reclamation land .

  29. 研究表明,地下水和单一的种植结构与利用方式,是长江中游地区潜沼化土壤生产力的主要限制因子。

    The research shows that high groundwater table and single-crop farming system were the most important limiting factors in the productivity of gleyed and swamped soils in the middle basin of the Yangtze river .

  30. 氮素的生物地球化学循环不仅影响土壤生产力,还会引起全球环境变化,其过程主要包括氮素矿化、固氮、氮素硝化和反硝化、铵离子的吸附和释放。

    Nitrogen biogeochemical cycling not only affects soil productivity , but also will cause global environment changes . Its main process includes nitrogen mineralization , nitrogen fixation , nitrification and denitrification , adsorption and release of ammonium .