
  • 网络Bacteria;soil bacteria;soil bacterium;Bacillus thuringiensis;dirt-dwelling bacteria
  1. 图1土壤细菌、真菌与放线菌数量动态变化Fig。

    Dynam ics of the numbers of the soil bacteria , fungi and actinomycetes .

  2. SherlockMIS系统应用于土壤细菌鉴定的研究

    Application of Sherlock MIS in identification of soil bacteria

  3. 这种蛋白质是由土壤细菌制成的,这种细菌以电解水中的氢为食。由于务农活动被认为是造成许多环境问题的原因,人们对由细菌制成的新型食物的投资不断增加。

    With farming blamed for contributing to many environmental problems , there 's been increasing investment in novel foods grown from bacteria .

  4. 一种可用于PCR扩增的直接提取土壤细菌DNA的方法

    The Method for Bacterial DNA Extraction Directly from Soils for PCR Amplification

  5. 土壤细菌基因资源的直接分离&16S核糖体RNA基因模式

    Direct Cloning of Bacterial Genes From Soil & 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene as a Model

  6. 火烧地土壤细菌群落结构和对照有显著差异(p0.05)。

    Bacterial community compostion in fire-impacted soil was significant different from the control unburned soils ( p0.05 ) .

  7. 转Bt基因克螟稻秸杆对淹水土壤细菌群落的影响

    Effect of Bt transgenic rice straw on the bacterial community composition in a flooded paddy soil

  8. 四合木分布区土壤细菌遗传多样性在有煤样地(A)和无煤样地(B)间具有差异性。

    There is a magnificant difference of the genetic diversity of Bacteria in the distributive area of Tetraena Mongolica , between the area with colliery and the one without colliery .

  9. 转Bt水稻与常规水稻根际土壤细菌类群的比较研究

    Study of the effect of transgenic Bt rice on the composition of bacterial populations in the rhizosphere soil

  10. 烃类的微生物氧化I.土壤细菌A-3的某些生化特征

    Microbial oxydation of hydrocarbons I.SOME biochemical behavior of soil bacterium A-3

  11. 红树林土壤细菌群落16SrDNAV3片段PCR产物的DGGE分析

    Mangrove soil community analysis using DGGE of 16S rDNA V3 fragment polymerase chain reaction products

  12. 过量施肥下不同氮肥对土壤细菌多样性影响的RFLP分析

    RFLP Analysis on Bacterial Diversity of Different Nitrogen Form in Excessive Fertilization Soil

  13. Aeromonassp.SUWA-9菌株几丁质酶基因及土壤细菌红色基因的克隆分析

    Cloning Chitinase Gene from Aeromonas sp . SUWA-9 and Red Gene from Soil Bacteria

  14. 抗草甘膦转基因大豆(RRS)对根际土壤细菌数量和多样性的影响

    Effects of RRS on the amount and diversity of bacteria in rhizospheric soil

  15. 它拥有来自土壤细菌苏云金杆菌(Bt)的基因,这可以让作物抵抗毁灭性的茎蛀虫。

    It contains a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) which makes crops resistant to the devastating shoot borer pest .

  16. 本文运用PCR-DGGE技术对研究区土壤细菌多样性进行了研究。

    PCR-DGGE was used to analysis the bacteria diversity in the soil of study area .

  17. PCR-DGGE结果表明,连作改变了土壤细菌和真菌群落结构。

    PCR-DGGE results showed that the continuous monocropping of cucumber changed soil bacterial and fungal community structures .

  18. 通过直接提取土壤细菌DNA,运用PCR、变性梯度凝胶电泳和分子克隆等技术,分析土壤细菌16Srdna的多态性。

    The 16S rDNA diversity of bacteria was studied by directly extracting bacteria DNA from mangrove soil and employing polymerase chain reaction , denaturing grade gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ) and clone technology .

  19. 覆盖秸秆提高了植物根际土壤细菌、真菌Shannon-Weaver指数、Simpson指数和均匀度指数。

    Plant rhizosphere soil bacteria , fungi , Shannon-Weaver index , Simpson index and evenness index increased with straw .

  20. 但两种稻田中仅分布2个相同的细菌菌群,其余均为具有特征性的细菌菌群,这说明转Bt基因水稻对土壤细菌种类组成有显著性影响。

    Among them , only two common species existed in two rice fields and others were different species . The result indicated there was significant effect of transgenic Bt rice on bacteria compositions .

  21. 3与纯化肥处理(CF)相比,有机无机配施可增加稻田土壤细菌、真菌和放线菌数量,提高水稻土磷酸酶、脲酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和纤维素酶活性。

    Compared with CF treatment , the combined fertilization could increase the number of bacterial , fungi and actinomycetes and improve the activity of soil phosphatase , urease , catalase , invertase and cellulose .

  22. 然而,随着污泥添加量的增加,使湿地松根际土壤细菌种群Shannon指数趋于一个相对的稳定状态。

    However , with the increase of sewage sludge in cover soil , Shannon index of bacterial diversity in rhizosphere soil of Pinus elliottii planted in landfill site became relatively stable .

  23. 结果表明,在水稻拔节期、小麦越冬期与成熟期的0~5cm和5~10cm土层中,FACE处理能显著增加土壤细菌的数量。

    The results showed that FACE treatment could significantly increase the amount of soil bacteria in 0 ~ 5 cm and 5 ~ 10 cm soil layers during rice jointing stage and wheat wintering and ripening stages .

  24. 本研究的目的是从我国的土壤细菌中筛选能够干扰植物病原细菌quorum-sensing系统的资源,并初步解析其干扰机制。

    The aim of this study was to screen soilborne bacterial strains which could interfere with the quorum-sensing system and to understand primarily their interfering mechanisms . Totally ca.

  25. 3个采样时期各根区DGGE图谱条带数、土壤细菌多样性指数和均匀度指数均无显著差异(p0.05),转Bt基因玉米种植对土壤细菌遗传多样性无显著影响。

    DGGE fingerprints indicated that DGGE bands , diversity index and homogeneous degree index of bacteria were not significantly different in three sampling stages ( P0.05 ) . Planting transgenic Bt maize was not affected the soil bacterial diversity significantly . 3 .

  26. 由于土壤细菌对土壤生物活性的重要贡献,外源稀土在黄褐土中积累对细菌的安全临界值可以初步确定为10~30mg·kg-1。

    As the important contribution of soil bacteria to soil biological activities , the EC50 value of 10 ~ 30 mg · kg-1 may be taken as critical value of mixed REEs added in yellow cinnamon soil .

  27. 多重干湿交替会改变土壤细菌/真菌群落结构。

    Multiple drying-rewetting changed the community structure among bacterium and fungi .

  28. 外源木质纤维素诱导下的土壤细菌菌群结构变化

    The Effects of Exogenous Lignocellulose on Bacterial Community Structure in Soil

  29. 从两类不同培养基上分离的土壤细菌的特征比较

    Comparison of characteristics of soil bacteria isolated from two different media

  30. 土壤细菌培养基的筛选和评价

    The Selection and Evaluation of Culture Media for Isolating Bacteria From Soil