
  • 网络Soil quality assessment
  1. GIS用于土壤质量评价,能将定量分析与空间分析结合起来,评价结果更具科学性。

    Using GIS for soil quality assessment can integrate quantitative analysis with spatial analysis , thus the results of the assessment are more scientific .

  2. 苏南丘陵不同林分类型土壤质量评价

    Soil quality assessment of different forest stands in the hilly region of southern Jiangsu province

  3. 基于DNA编码的人工免疫模型在土壤质量评价中的应用

    Artificial immune model based on DNA-encoding and its application in evaluating the soil quality

  4. 基于GIS的土壤质量评价研究

    Evaluation of Soil Quality Based on GIS

  5. 采用主成分分析法和模糊聚类分析方法,构造了退化草地土壤质量评价的最小数据集为pH、碱解氮、容重、有效磷和总盐。

    Using principal component analysis and cluster analysis method , the minimum data set for evaluating soil quality of grassland degradation was built at last , which includes bulk density , pH , available nitrogen , available phosphorus and the total salt .

  6. 本文运用相关分析法筛选土壤质量评价指标,确定其权重,通过GIS叠加分析划分评价单元,以隶属度模型和指数和法计算土壤质量综合指标值,进而评价土壤质量。

    Correlation analysis was used in this paper to select indexes and weights for soil quality evaluation and the evaluation unites was divided by GIS overlay analysis . The soil quality comprehensive indexes were calculated by the membership model and the index summation method .

  7. 土壤质量评价指标体系与评价方法研究进展与展望

    The Progress and Prospect of Soil Quality Indicators and Evaluation Methods

  8. 综述了土壤质量评价指标体系和土壤质量评价方法。

    The soil quality indicators and the evaluation methods were reviewed .

  9. 红壤退化中的土壤质量评价指标及评价方法

    Evaluation indexes and methods of soil quality concerning red soil degradation

  10. 基于核主成分-聚类分析的土壤质量评价方法

    Evaluating Method of Soil Quality Based on Kernel Principal Component-cluster Analysis

  11. 上海典型新建绿地的土壤质量评价

    Soil quality evaluation of some typical newly-established green belts in Shanghai

  12. 土属信息在土壤质量评价中的应用探讨

    Application of soil basic classification information on soil quality evaluation

  13. 干旱区农田不同利用强度下土壤质量评价

    Assessment of farmland soil quality under different utilization intensity in arid area

  14. 恩施州农业土壤质量评价研究

    Studies on Agricultural Soil Quality Evaluation of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture

  15. 煤矿塌陷地泥浆泵复垦土壤质量评价

    Quality evaluation on re-cultivation soil in sunk coal mine

  16. 矿区复垦土壤质量评价方法

    Method of Quantitative Evaluation of Quality of Reclaimed Soil

  17. 土壤质量评价在土壤保护策略发展过程中的作用?

    The development of soil protection strategies : does soil quality assessment help ?

  18. 黄土丘陵区土壤质量评价指标研究

    Assessment indicators of soil quality in hilly Loess Plateau

  19. 河北平原土壤质量评价指标和方法初探

    Primary Study on Assessing Indicators and Methods of Soil Quality for HEbei Plain

  20. 土壤质量评价方法进展

    Assessment Methods for Soil Quality : a Review

  21. 基于层次分析法的物元模型在土壤质量评价中的应用

    Application of Matter Element Model Based on Stratification Analysis Method in Soil Quality Evaluation

  22. 宁南山区不同土地利用方式土壤质量评价方法研究

    Method of Soil Quality Evaluation Under Different Land Use in Southern Ningxia Mountain Area

  23. 黄土高原丘陵沟壑区已治理小流域土壤质量评价

    The Assessment on Soil Quality of Harnessed Small Watersheds in the Loess Hilly-Gully Region

  24. 基于土系的土壤质量评价和调控研究

    A Study on the Evaluation and Control of Soil Quality Base on Soil Series

  25. 主成分分析在杞县大蒜种植区土壤质量评价中的应用

    Application of Principal Component Analysis Method to Quality Evaluation of Soil Planted Garlic in Qixian

  26. 在此基础上绘制出土壤质量评价图。

    Based on all the above , the soil quality evaluation map was worked out .

  27. 灰色关联分析在不同生态修复模式土壤质量评价中的应用

    Application of Grey Correlation Analysis in Different Models of Ecological Restoration in Soil Quality Evaluation

  28. 河北平原区无公害蔬菜基地土壤质量评价研究

    Study on Soil Quality Evaluation of Non-environmental Pollution Vegetable Base in Plain Area of Hebei

  29. 所确定的土壤质量评价指标最小数据集能够反映综合评价指标的信息,评价结果具有较好的代表性。

    Established MDS could reflect the information of integrated indicators and results of assessment were of better representative .

  30. 该结论可为土壤质量评价和环境保护研究,提供实验研究参考和理论依据。

    This theory can provide some experiment gist and theoretical guide to research for soil quality estimation and environmental protection .