
  • 网络radiolabelling methods
  1. 目的:研究对眼镜蛇毒(najanajaatravenom)组份III进行125I放射性标记的方法及其质量评价。

    To study the methods with which Fraction III isolated from Naja naja atra venom was () ~~~~~~~~ ( 125 ) I-labelled and quality evaluation .

  2. 随着荧光染料合成技术的发展,基于荧光染料的生物标记方法已逐步取代具有放射性危害的同位素标记方法,在生物技术领域中得到了重要应用。

    With the development of fluorescent dye synthesize technique , the bio-label method based on the fluorescent dye is gradually replacing the isotope label method and has been widely used in the field of biotechnology .

  3. 介绍了一种用于骨肿瘤治疗的放射性药物~(90)Y-EDTMP的合成和放射性标记方法。

    Syntheses of EDTMP preparation and ~ ( 99 ) Y-labelling of radiopharmaceutical ~ ( 99 ) Y-EDTMP used for the treatment of bone tumor were reported .

  4. 2针对放射性同位素检测法的缺点,文章提出并比较了几种常用的非放射性同位素标记方法。

    Second , aim at flaws of method radioactive marker , same methods of non - radioactive marker were raised and compared .