
  • 网络Relaxation training;relaxation therapy;PMR
  1. 放松训练对改善CT增强检查患者心理状态的效果观察

    Effect of Relaxation Training on Enhanced CT Examination Patients ' Mental Status

  2. 放松训练对康复期精神分裂症患者的对照研究

    Control Study on Relaxation Training in Curing the Schizophrenia in Remission

  3. 渐进性肌肉放松训练对PTCA术老年患者的干预研究

    Interventions of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Elder Patients with PTCA

  4. 目的探讨放松训练(PMR)对急性心肌死更(AMI)病人的护理作用。

    Objective To explore the nursing effect of progressive muscle infarction ( PMR ) on the patients with acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) .

  5. 采用生物反馈放松训练法和认知应激调控法进行心理干预前后SCL90测验结果显示,两种心理干预都能降低焦虑症状。

    The scores of SCL-90 showed that psychological intervention could both reduce the mental stress reaction and the anxious symptoms .

  6. 在入院48h内对60例病人进行焦虑自评量表(SAS)测试,随后对照组病人按常规护理方法进行护理,实验组每天按要求进行放松训练,2周后再次SAS测试、比较。

    60 patients were tested with self-rating anxiety scale ( SAS ) within 48 hours after being hospitalized , and the control patients accepted routine nursing . The patients in the training group did relaxation exercises according to request everyday and they were tested with SAS again two weeks later .

  7. 观察组进行生物反馈训练结合放松训练,先听10min的自我松弛训练磁带,然后进行额肌生物反馈训练,每次训练约30min。

    The patients in the observational group took part in the bio-feedback relaxation training : They listened to the tape of self-relaxation training for 10 minutes at first , and then underwent the bio-feedback relaxation of frontal muscle , 30 minutes for each time .

  8. 放松训练对心率和血压的影响

    The effect of relaxation exercise on heart rate and blood pressure

  9. 生物反馈放松训练和表象训练在飞行训练中的应用研究

    The application of bio-feedback relaxation and imagery exercises in flight training

  10. 小运动量放松训练对重度广泛性焦虑症患者的影响

    The Effect of Small Intensive Sports to the Generalized Anxiety Patients

  11. 广告上说身心放松训练班下个月开办。

    The advert said the relaxation class was stardng next month .

  12. 放松训练对住院急性心肌梗死病人的干预研究

    Study on Relaxation Exercise Intervention to Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

  13. 控制睡眠行为配合放松训练治疗失眠症临床观察

    Relaxation Training and Sleep related Behavior Modification in Patients with Insomnia

  14. 生物反馈疗法联合放松训练治疗失眠症46例疗效观察

    Observation on 46 Cases of Insomnia Treated with Biofeedback Plus Relaxing Training

  15. 放松训练在运动领域的研究现状和发展方向

    Researching Status Quo and Development Trend on Relaxing Development in Sports Field

  16. 放松训练对短跑成绩的作用

    Relaxed Training on the Results of Short - Distance Running

  17. 生物反馈放松训练用于颌面外科清醒盲探插管

    Biofeedback relaxation training used for awake blind tracheal intubation in maxillofacial surgery

  18. 自我放松训练减轻考场焦虑效果考查

    The Effect of Self-relaxation on Reducing Situation Anxiety in Examination

  19. 放松训练与短跑成绩

    Sprinting Times : Improvement through the Training of Relaxation Methods

  20. 放松训练对不同类型考试焦虑者的作用

    Effect of relax training on different kinds of test anxiety

  21. 放松训练对术前患者血压心率的影响

    Effect of Relaxing Training on the Preoperative Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

  22. 脑力疲劳与放松训练的脑电信号实时评价系统

    Electroencephalogram real-time evaluation system for mental fatigue and relaxation training

  23. 渐进性肌肉放松训练在慢性乙型肝炎患者中的应用

    Application of progressive muscle relaxation training in patients with chronic hepatitis B

  24. 肌肉放松训练和内心意念引导训练。

    Muscular relaxation training and internal intention conductive training .

  25. 生物反馈放松训练在口腔颌面外科手术中的应用探讨

    Use of biofeedback relaxant training for maxillofacial surgery patients

  26. 结论放松训练是治愈鼻出血有效的护理措施。

    Conclusion Relax training is an effective nursing intervention for patients with epistaxis .

  27. 对老年经皮穿刺冠状动脉腔内成形术患者实施肌肉放松训练的方法与效果

    The methods and effect of muscle relax exercise for elderly patients with PTCA

  28. 认知治疗结合刺激限制与放松训练治疗失眠症

    Cognitive therapy combining with stimulating restriction and relaxation training in treatment of insomnia

  29. 放松训练对产妇产程及焦虑抑郁的影响

    Effect of Relax Training on the Labor , Anxiety and Depression of Primiparas

  30. 放松训练对哮喘病人干预效果的研究

    Study on Effect of Relaxation Intervention in Asthma Patients