
  • 网络Soil particle
  1. 植被恢复对退化红壤表层土壤颗粒中有机碳和Pb、Cd分布的影响

    Vegetation recovery in degraded red earth : effect on organic carbon and Pb and Cd partitioning in soil particle size fractions

  2. 黄土高原区~(137)Cs与土壤颗粒及有机质的关系研究

    Study on Relationship Among ~ ( 137 ) Cs , Soil Particle and Organic Matter in Loess Plateau

  3. 基于GIS的安徽省表层土壤颗粒分形特征研究

    Study on the Fractal Characteristic of Topsoil Particle in Anhui Province Based on GIS

  4. PD型土壤颗粒分析特种自控吸液仪的研制和量测技术

    A special automatic pipette instrument for particle-size analysis : its development and measuring techniques

  5. ~(137)Cs作为示踪剂,土壤颗粒是其有效载体。

    As a tracer , ~ ( 137 ) Cs is carried by soil .

  6. Pb污染状态下,土壤颗粒表面具有较高吸附能的吸附位才能吸附Pb。

    If soil is contaminated only by the Pb element , it needs much higher energy to absorb Pb .

  7. 土壤颗粒组成、有机质、pH值、农业管理措施和土地利用方式对土壤磷素含量都有一定影响。

    Soil particle composition , organic matter , pH , agricultural management measures and land use types had a certain influence on the content of soil phosphorus .

  8. 结果表明,流动沙丘与其它植被类型相比土壤颗粒较粗,有机质含量贫乏,速效钾和pH也较低,但全氮和速效磷的含量却相对较高;

    The soil of moving dune has coarser granule , more total nitrogen and available phosphorus , but less organic content , available kalium and lower pH value .

  9. TritonX-100在土壤颗粒上的吸附特征研究

    Study on the sorption characteristics of Triton X-100 in soils

  10. 水稻基肥(碳铵)机深施及机前全层湿润施用后,氮肥绝大部分进入土层,并迅速呈NH4+态被土壤颗粒吸附,随水流失进入稻田周围水体的N素比耙面肥处理减少60%-70%。

    After deep application and layers wetness , most of nitrogen became NH4 + and adsorbed by soil . Therefore N in surrounded water was 60 % ~ 70 % less than normal fertilization .

  11. 在受污染的区域可以通过调节土壤颗粒组成、pH、有机质、有效钙等措施来减轻镉的污染,为粮食的安全生产提供一定的建议。

    So in polluted areas , we can reduce Cd pollution by adjusting soil particle composition , pH , organic matter and effective Ca , providing some suggestions for the the safety production of food .

  12. 土壤颗粒度、pH值、有机质和全氮含量在灌草丛和原生林之间存在显著差异,但所有土壤理化指标在次生林和原生林之间无显著差异。

    There were significant differences in soil grain structure , pH , organic matter and total nitrogen between shrub-grassland and virgin forest , but no significant differences between secondary forest and virgin forest were detected .

  13. 土壤颗粒组成状况显著地影响土壤的速效磷、速效钾、浸水容重、吸湿率、烧失率、pH值等,对土壤紧实度、有机质含量也有一定的影响。

    The forest soils particle size composition notability affected validity phosphorous , validity potassium , soggy density , hygroscopic water , ignition loss and pH. Influence also takes place in soil compactness and organism in some extent .

  14. 结果表明:在不同粒级中C、N含量和分布均随土壤颗粒的加粗而逐渐下降,而C/N比则与此相反。

    The results showed that the C and N contents and their Percentages in the soil organic C and N decreased with the increase of particle size , but the C / N ratio increased with the increase of particle size .

  15. 土壤颗粒有机物(POM)是土壤有机碳库中活动性较大的碳库。

    Particulate organic matter ( POM ), as an active pool of soil organic carbon , play an important role in C sequestration in cultivated soil .

  16. 可见,土壤颗粒组成中粘粒含量和砂粒含量、土壤中有机质含量是影响PCBs分布的主要因素。

    This result indicated the clay and sand contents of soil practical composition , the TOC content were the main influencing factors on the PCBs distribution .

  17. 土壤颗粒以粉沙为主,粉沙粒占总量的60%左右,粘粒约占15%左右,容重约为1.2gcm~(-1),试验前将土样风干并过1×1cm的粗筛。

    The bulk density was 1.2 g cm-1 . The soil contents about 60 % of silts and about 15 % of clays .

  18. 在电修复过程中,距离阳极越近,pH越低,氧化还原电位越高,越有利于从土壤颗粒中释出重金属并加速电动力学修复土壤过程。

    During the electrokinetic remediation ( ER ) of heavy metal polluted soil , the soil closer to anode has lower pH value and higher redox potential . Either low pH or high redox is helpful to release heavy metal from soil particles and therefore to accelerate the remediation .

  19. 本文采用地理信息系统(GIS)与地统计学相结合的方法,研究了黄淮海平原土壤颗粒组成、容重、养分含量和CEC的空间变异特征;

    Spatial variation characteristics of soil particle composition ( SPC ), bulk density ( BD ), soil nutrients and CEC in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain ( HHHP ) were studied by coupling Geographic Information System ( GIS ) with geostatistics in this paper .

  20. 对60m×55m的农田尺度上100个取样点土壤颗粒组成及剖面层次的空间变异性的传统统计分析表明,各属性的变异系数属中等强度。

    The spatial variability of soil particle compositions and soil profile horizons were analyzed in the 60 m × 55 m field . Conventional statistical analysis of 100 sampled points showed that coefficients of variation of those properties are medium .

  21. 通过对长安区四府村剖面晚更新世后期黄土样品的粒度分析测定,探讨了沙尘暴活动与土壤颗粒组成的关系及32~10KaBP以来的沙尘暴的活动趋势。

    According to the grain-size analysis of Loess sample developed in late Pleistocene , we discuss the relationship between the activity of sand-dust storm and grain-size of Loess profile , and know the trend of sand-dust storm activity from 32 ka BP to 10 ka BP .

  22. 介绍了7Be的来源、散落特征及其在土壤颗粒中的存在形态,阐述了7Be示踪技术现有的土壤侵蚀速率定量估算模型,提出了我国开展7Be示踪土壤侵蚀过程研究的建议。

    The authors introduced ~ 7Be origin source , fallout characteristics , forms in soil particles , and presented quantitative estimate model of soil erosion rate by using ~ 7Be as a tracer . The comments on using ~ 7Be as tracer for soil erosion research in China are presented .

  23. 地表温度和土壤颗粒组成对抗剪强度的影响

    Effects of surface temperature and soil particle composition on sheer strength

  24. 冲积平原区土壤颗粒组成的趋势效应与异向性特征

    Trend effect and anisotropy of soil particle composition in alluvial regions

  25. 砷酸根在可变电荷土壤颗粒表面的配位吸附

    Coordination adsorption of arsenate on the particles of variable charge soils

  26. 黄土剖面土壤颗粒组成对土壤含水量的影响

    Influence of Soil Particle Composition on Soil Moisture in Loess Profiles

  27. 川西亚高山针叶林土壤颗粒的分形特征

    Fractal characteristics of soil particles under subalpine coniferous forests in Western Sichuan

  28. 土壤颗粒的分形特征及其应用

    Fractal property of soil particle size distribution and its application

  29. 土壤颗粒组成的微机处理

    The conversion for soil mechanical composition by means of Microcomputer

  30. 参数模型在壤土类土壤颗粒大小分布中的应用

    Application of parametric models to description of particle-size distribution in loamy soils