
tǔ fāng
  • earthwork;folk recipe;cubic metre of earth;traditional cure
土方 [tǔ fāng]
  • (1) [cubic metre of earth]∶挖土的计量单位,一立方米土

  • (2) [folk recipe]∶不见于医书的民间流行的药方

土方[tǔ fāng]
  1. 浅谈深基坑土方施工中常见问题及其处理

    Brief discussion on the frequently-asked questions and process of the deep hole excavated for building foundation folk recipe construction

  2. GIS在土地平整土方量计算中的应用研究

    Application of GIS for calculating earthwork in land revitalization project

  3. 基于GPS高程离散点的土地平整土方量计算方法

    Earthwork Calculation of Land Leveling Based on GPS Discrete Elevation Points

  4. Matlab优化工具箱与大型公路工程项目的土方调配计算

    Matlab Optimization Toolbox and Calculation of Earthwork Balance of Large Highway Project

  5. 基于MATLAB渠道渐变体土方量计算的改进算法研究

    A Better Calculation of Canal Transition Earthwork Based on MATLAB

  6. 土方量计算的MATLAB工具箱研制

    Development of MATLAB toolbox applied to earthwork calculation

  7. 基于MATLAB的渠道土方计算

    Earthwork calculation of channel based on MATLAB

  8. 水下地形分析中基于TIN的土方量计算方法

    Algorism Based on TIN for Earthwork in Spatial Analysis of Underwater Terrain

  9. 基于TIN的土方计算在地面沉降预测中的应用

    Application of the Earth-volume Calculation in Surface Subsidence Forecast Based on TIN

  10. GIS在城市竖向设计中的应用&道路纵断面设计与土方工程量计算

    Application of GIS in Urban Vertical Design : Road Longitudinal Section Design and Calculation of Earthwork Volume

  11. AUTOCAD和Excel在道路工程土方计算中的应用

    Application of Auto CAD and Excel in the Calculation of Earth Volume of Road Engineering

  12. 利用VB实现渠道土方量的计算

    The account reality to the channel soil quantity by utilizing VB

  13. AutoCAD地形建模及其在土方计算中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in terrain modeling and earthwork measuring

  14. 基于GIS的土方工程量自动计算及调配软件研究

    Research of the Software about the Auto - calculation of the Amount and Distribution of the Earthwork Based on GIS

  15. 应用GPSRTK进行场地土方工程测量及其计算

    Measuring and Calculation of Site Earthwork by GPS RTK

  16. 一种基于DEM的土方计算方法

    A Method for Calculating Cubic Meter of Earth Volume Based on DEM

  17. 路基土方石计算Excel程序编写方法

    Excel programming used for computing subgrade earthwork

  18. 土方工程开工之前,mc将建造挡土墙包括排水。

    MC to construct retaining wall including drainage prior to commencement of earthworks .

  19. 我省土地平整工程实施的难点与对策基于GPS高程离散点的土地平整土方量计算方法

    The difficulty and countermeasure on land levelling in Fujian Province Earthwork Calculation of Land Leveling Based on GPS Discrete Elevation Points

  20. VB6·0和SurferAutomation技术开发土方量计算程序

    Development of Earthwork Calculation Program With VB6.0 and Surfer Automation Technology

  21. 本文利用线性规划方法建立解决大型工程项目土方调配的一般数学模型,进一步提出使用matlab优化工具箱解决复杂线性规划问题的方法。

    To deal with earthwork balance of large projects , The paper use matlab optimization toolbox to solve problem about complex linear programming .

  22. 工程土方量计算中土方量精度与DEM分辨率的关系

    The Relationship between the Earthwork Volume Accuracy and DEM Resolution in the Calculation of Earthwork Volume

  23. 基于DEM的工程土方量算法研究&以抚州市人工湖项目堤防工程土方量计算为例

    Earthwork Volume Algorithm Research Based on DEM & Take the Case of Fuzhou City Artificial Lake Project

  24. 基于DEM构造的空间网格曲面模型确定土方工程零线

    Estimation of Earthworks Zero Line Based on Spatial Gridding Curved Surface Model Constructed by Digital Elevation Model

  25. 世纪大道原水管渠上部土方EPS置换施工

    Construction of Replacing Earth by EPS on Upper Part of Raw Water Pipe Canal at Century Road

  26. ERDASIMAGINE在采煤沉陷地复垦土方量计算中的应用

    Application of ERDAS IMAGINE in the Earthwork Calculation of Subsided Land Reclamation for Coal Mining

  27. 楼板混凝土浇筑板面标高控制技术场地标高优化和土方量计算及其ExcelVBA的程序实现

    Elevation control technology for cast-in-place concrete floor Site Elevation Optimization & Earthwork Volume Calculation and Excel VBA Program Realization

  28. 基于此,讨论了在图形平台AutoCAD下利用不规则三角网(TIN)进行土方计算的具体方法。

    In this paper , the particular calculating of cutting and filling is discussed using triangulation network TIN under the figure platform AutoCAD .

  29. 土方计算的基本方法有断面法、方格网法、等高线法及基于数字高程模型(DEM)法。

    There are Transect , Table , Contours and Digital Elevation Model several methods for earthwork calculation in civil engineering .

  30. 研究方法:应用数字高程模型(DEM)原理,结合土方量计算的方格网法,借助ERDASIMAGINE遥感图像处理软件,建立土方量计算模型。

    Methods of DEM and grid principle were employed . A model was built using ERDAS IMAGINE software .