
  1. 你的工作是追踪危险,恪守职责来打击一些最胆大妄为并配有武器的人。

    Your job is to hunt down danger , and then hold your ground against some of the most fearless , and well-armed human beings .

  2. 资产管理人、资产托管人应当恪守职责、履行诚实信用、谨慎勤勉的义务,公平对待所有投资人。

    The asset manager and the asset trustee shall scrupulously abide by duties , fulfill the obligation of good faith , wariness and diligence , and treat all the investors equally .

  3. 因为敬业是传统职业道德的基本原则,敬业之于教师,意味着要恪守职责,扎实、勤恳地做好教育工作,以一颗尊敬、虔诚、敬畏和执着的心对待教育。

    Because dedication is the traditional basic principles of traditional professional ethics , dedication to teacher means to honor the duty and to completes the educational work diligently , by a respect , reverent , awe and rigid heart .

  4. 但这台机器是否在恪守自己的职责?或者更确切地说,就像许多人所怀疑的那样,它只是在为自己服务,而不是整个社会?

    But is the machine doing its job , or rather as many suspect just serving itself , not society at large ?

  5. 自组织团队是由积极主动的人构成的,他们能够全身心投入到任务当中,并且恪守对团队职责的承诺。

    Self-organizing teams are made up of motivated individuals that take ownership of their tasks and have commitment to their collective team responsibilities .