- Soil class;order of soil

Basic Taxonomy of Aridisols in Xinjiang
The soils are divided into 2 Order , 3 Suborder , 6 Groups in Soil Taxonomy ;
And the soil developed in the humid and warm region at mountain waist area to be Hap Udic Luvisols .
The artificial soil order can be further classified into soil group as irrigation-warping soil , irrigation-cultivated soil , irrigation-desert soil etc.
According to the Taxonomy , the soil is divided into 2 orders , 3 sub orders , 3 great groups and 5 subgroups .
The loamy soil and gravel soil of aridisol order should be distinguished due to their large area , wide distribution and different direction of land utilization .
According to Chinese Soil Taxonomic Classification ( Revised Proposal ), nine soil profiles respectively belonged to 4 soil orders , 5 soil great groups and 5 soil subgroups .
Therefore , these soils should be classified into , artificial soil order in systematic classification . As the artificial desert oasis soil suborder , it is an independent system of cultivated soil in desert area .
The paper suggest that to put forward engineering disturbed soil type in artificial soil order , and on the grounds of disturbance type , then divide engineering disturbed soil into engineering heaping soil and engineering sinking soil .
Presently , 28 soil series in studied area were established , relegated to 16 subgroups , 13 soil groups , 9 suborders and 7 soil orders .
Through field survey in the nature reserve of Mt. West Tianmu and analysis of the soil samples collected from this area , the soils could be classified 3 orders , 6 great groups , 10 subgroups and 20 families .