
  1. 爆破取缔非法土炼油点的安全管理

    Safety Management of Demolishing Lawless Oil Refineries by Blasting

  2. 爆破技术在取缔非法土炼油设施中的应用

    Application of Blasting Technology in Demolishing Oil Refineries

  3. 关停小炼油厂70个,取缔土炼油场点近5600个。

    70 small refineries had shut down and approximately 5,600 refineries with indigenous methods banned .

  4. 严厉打击成品油走私,关停土炼油厂,杜绝小厂质次价低油品对市场的冲击;

    To crack down on oil smuggling , close some local refineries to eliminate the impact of inferior products from small refineries on the market ;

  5. 通过对爆破作业安全管理的分析,提出了严密的安全管理体系是顺利完成爆破取缔土炼油点工作的保证。

    By analyzing the safety management of blasting , it is pointed out that the strict safety management system is the guarantee of demolishing lawless oil refineries by blasting successfully .

  6. 双阳离子改性膨润土处理炼油废水酚类污染物研究膨润土吸附水中Cr(Ⅵ)的实验研究

    Study on Treatment of Phenol Pollution in Waste Water of Oil Refinery by Dual Cation Modified Bentonite

  7. 直接振捣法是一种处理浅层软土地基的方法,可用于软土地基上的炼油厂小型设备基础及小型厂房、民用建筑的地基处理。

    The " direct tamping " method is a way to treat foundations with a shallow layer of soft soil which may be used to treat the foundations for small equipments in refineries , small workshops and civil buildings built on soft soil foundations .