
  • Potato Salad
  1. Mark说要买一些做热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,就是bun,一种小而圆的甜面包或点心。Mark还要做一个potatosalad,土豆沙拉。

    Mark : We need to buy some buns for the hotdogs and hamburgers , and I 'm making potato salad .

  2. 在价格驱动下,美国各地很多wholefoods门店都在自制食品(比如土豆沙拉)中改用了HamptonCreek的蛋黄酱。

    Driven by price , many Whole Foods stores across the country have switched to Hampton Creek 's mayo in their store-prepared foods ( like the potato salad ) .

  3. 推荐烤瘦肋排配浓郁的烤肉酱、土豆沙拉和卷心菜沙拉(45库纳),还可以搭配一杯来自这个国家斯拉沃尼亚地区的索伦姆(Solum)赤霞珠红葡萄酒(25库纳)。

    The baked spare ribs are served with a tangy barbecue sauce , potato salad and coleslaw ( 45 kunas ) and pair well with a glass of Solum cabernet sauvignon from the country 's Slavonia region ( 25 kunas ) .

  4. Talley仍然过着往常的生活,经常熬夜,半夜还大吃大喝她最爱的食物:土豆沙拉、蜂蜜面包、麦当劳鸡肉块和辣椒。

    Talley still lives very much as she always has done , often staying up until midnight feasting on some of her favorite foods : potato salad , honey buns , McDonald 's chicken nuggets and Wendy 's chili .

  5. 我喜欢美味的凉拌卷心菜和土豆沙拉。

    I like a good coleslaw and also a potato salad .

  6. 我点的是凉拌卷心菜,但这个是土豆沙拉

    I ordered coleslaw , but this is potato salad .

  7. 我喜欢野餐会上的土豆沙拉。

    I liked the potato salad at the picnic .

  8. 我老婆点的凉拌卷心菜,可上的是土豆沙拉

    My wife ordered coleslaw and got potato salad .

  9. 可这餐就是配土豆沙拉的

    but that meal comes with potato salad .

  10. 还有些土豆沙拉

    And there 's some potato salad .

  11. 这餐配土豆沙拉

    It comes with potato salad .

  12. 土豆沙拉怎么样?

    And how about potato salad ?

  13. 比尔:实际上食物是凉的,因为我带的是鸡肉三明治和土豆沙拉。

    Bill : Actually the food is cold because I brought chicken sandwiches and potato salad .

  14. 大家都喜欢土豆沙拉。

    Everyone likes potato salad .

  15. 土豆沙拉易于制作和改良,因为土豆泥可以搭配不同调料。

    And it 's easy to make and reinvent , because mashed potatoes go with different kinds of dressings .

  16. 炸鸡,土豆沙拉,果冻里的葡萄,所有这些都让我感到那么亲切。

    The fried chicken , the potato salad , the grape halves inthe Jell-O mold & all of it felt familiar .

  17. 除了烤肉以外,还要准备沙拉,比如凉拌卷心菜、田园沙拉和土豆沙拉,另外还要准备面包。

    Together with your cooked meat , you also have prepared salads , like coleslaw , a garden salad , potato salad , and you usually also have bread .

  18. 在一个角落里,唐•亚克曼正在享用他常吃的美味:一盘精瘦牛胸肉,胡椒火鸡胸脯肉,土豆沙拉,还有烤豆子。

    Way in the back corner , don Yacktman is enjoying his usual : a plate of lean brisket , peppered turkey breast , potato salad , and baked beans .

  19. 在享用完丰盛的热狗、汉堡包和土豆沙拉之后,人们迫不及待地加入到一些妙趣横生的活动中,如两人三脚跑、吃派竞赛等等。

    Having eaten their fill of hot dogs , burgers , and potato salad , everyone eagerly throws themselves into a program of often quirky activities like three-legged races and pie-eating contests .

  20. 菜单环保且多样化,用白宫种的芝麻菜做成的土豆茄子沙拉。

    The menu eco-friendly and diverse , a potato and eggplant salad made with White House grown arugula .

  21. 人们可以将它油炸,做成薯片,也可以做成土豆泥(或与其他蔬菜一起做),还可以将它们整个,或切成片进行烘烤,抑或着吃土豆沙拉。

    We deep fry them to make lovely chips or crisps , mash them on their own or with other vegetables , bake them whole or sliced , eat them cold in salads .