
  • 网络Sea World San Diego;San Diego sea world;San Diego Seaworld;Sea World;SeaWorld Adventure Park San Diego
  1. 圣地亚哥海洋世界每年吸引超过4百万游客,而虎鲸表演是主要的吸引力。

    San Diego Sea World attracts more than 4 million visitors a year , and the orca shows are the market attraction .

  2. 加利福尼亚州议会将考虑通过一项法案禁止圣地亚哥海洋世界的虎鲸表演。

    The California legislature is set to consider a bill to ban orca killer whale shows at Sea World in San Diego .

  3. 圣地亚哥海洋世界里倍受喜爱的21岁北极熊欣嘉,近来似乎有些反常。

    Something didn 't seem right over the last few days with Szenja , a beloved 21-year-old polar bear at SeaWorld in San Diego .

  4. 随后,欣嘉于上周二突然病逝,圣地亚哥海洋世界动物管理部副主管阿尔·加弗在一则声明中称;“对我们来说这是非常艰难的一天”。

    Then , she died suddenly last Tuesday , " a very difficult day for all of us , " Al Garver , SeaWorld San Diego 's vice president of zoological operations , said in a statement .

  5. 那一年对杰夫是生命中最糟的时光&直到父亲带他去圣地亚哥的海洋世界的那天。

    The year was unfolding as the worst of Jeff 's life & until the day his father took him to Sea World in San Diego .