
  1. 新词dunzo表示“做完了”,源于MTV电视台的另一部剧《拉古纳海滩》。

    Meaning " done " or " finished , " " dunzo " originated on another MTV series , " Laguna Beach . "

  2. 有谣言说,这个包包的真实身份是另一位杰西卡史密斯美国青年肥皂剧《拉古纳海滩》中27岁的影星。

    There were rumours the true identity of the baby was another Jessica Smith - the 27-year-old star of American teen soap Laguna Beach .

  3. 虽然坐落在太平洋海洋公路的一段上,这个位于拉古纳海滩的公园还是充满了各种活动,食物,和就坐的地方。

    Though located along a stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway , this park at Laguna Beach ( near top ) has loads of activities , food , and places to sit .

  4. 库克在《华尔街日报》于加州拉古纳海滩组织的一次科技会议上表示,另有850万人正在免费试用苹果音乐服务。

    Speaking at a technology conference organized by The Wall Street Journal in Laguna Beach , Calif. , Cook said that an additional 8.5 million people are participating in a free trial of the Apple Music service .