
  • 网络Stocking;Christmas stocking;christmas sock
  1. 她甚至给他做了圣诞袜。

    She even made him a Christmas stocking .

  2. 26.得到一双专用的圣诞袜

    26 . Have a personalised Christmas stocking

  3. 圣诞袜里将会塞满那些被宣传为可以把小波比(Poppy)或者小强尼(Jonny)培养成下一个马克.扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)的礼物。

    Christmas stockings will be stuffed with toys marketed on a promise of turning little Poppy or Johnny into the next Mark Zuckerberg .

  4. 尽管正处于战争时期,但几乎没有哪家的圣诞袜里是空空如也的。

    Few Christmas stockings were left unfilled despite the war .

  5. 全世界的孩子们继续保持悬挂圣诞袜的传统。

    Children all over the world continue the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings .

  6. 我以前圣诞袜也用这个填�

    Reminds me of my Christmas stocking stuffers .

  7. 圣诞袜的传说

    Story of Christmas Stocking

  8. 美国阿肯色州的一群大学生近日创造了一项新的吉尼斯世界纪录,他们编织出了迄今为止世界上最大的圣诞袜。

    A group of Arkansas college students has set the world record for the world 's largest Christmas stocking .

  9. 这些年来,每到圣诞节时凯拉都会坚持把为那条猎犬准备的由红毡做成的圣诞袜挂起来,因为她坚信库乔终有一天会重返家园。

    Kayla insisted on hanging the retriever 's red felt Christmas stocking each year , confident he 'd someday come home .

  10. 挂上你的圣诞袜,说出你的祷告词。只因今晚圣诞老人要到来…你干嘛关掉它?

    So hang your stockings and say your prayers 。 'Cause Santa Claus is coming tonight ... Why 'd you turn it off ?