
zài kōng zhōng
  • in the air;overhead;aloft
在空中[zài kōng zhōng]
  1. 他突然被弹了起来,抛在空中。

    He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft .

  2. 在空中停留必须解决的一个问题是压力。

    Staying aloft is a matter of dealing with pressure .

  3. 那架巨型喷气式飞机在空中被炸成碎片。

    The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky .

  4. 球高高飞起,在空中画了一条弧线。

    The ball looped high up in the air .

  5. 她用叉子在空中比画。

    She stabbed the air with her fork .

  6. 球在空中沿曲线运动。

    The ball curved through the air .

  7. 球在空中划了一条弧线,进了球门。

    The ball swerved into the net .

  8. 朵朵浮云在空中飘过。

    Clouds drifted across the sky .

  9. 他的双手在空中乱抓。

    His hands clawed the air .

  10. 霹雳在空中炸响。

    Thunder crashed in the sky .

  11. 探照灯在空中扫来扫去。

    Searchlights swept the sky .

  12. 太阳高挂在空中,火辣辣地照在我们身上。

    The sun was high in the sky , blazing down on us

  13. 这些鹰飞行能力极其出色,可以长时间在空中翱翔和盘旋。

    These hawks are magnificent in flight , soaring and circling for long periods

  14. 飞机在空中盘旋,令人不堪忍受。

    The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion .

  15. 9个开幕气球第二天还有4个飘在空中。

    Four of the nine starting balloons were still aloft the next day .

  16. 当其中一个匪徒逃跑的时候,一架直升机在空中盘旋。

    A helicopter hovered overhead as one of the gang made a run for it

  17. 他在空中搜寻敌军轰炸机。

    He searched the skies for enemy bombers .

  18. 为确保万无一失,一架警用直升机一直在空中警戒。

    To make extra certain , a police helicopter kept watch from the skies .

  19. 球在空中划出一道奇异的弧线。

    The ball curved strangely in the air .

  20. 有两架直升机在空中盘旋。

    There were two helicopters circling around .

  21. 一层淡蓝色的薄雾弥漫在空中。

    A bluish mist hung in the air

  22. 他绊了一脚,双手在空中胡乱抓了几下,然后仰天栽进了水里。

    He stumbled , clawed wildly at the air and fell backwards into the water .

  23. 他声称自己可以悬浮在空中。

    He has claimed he can levitate

  24. “从那里拉一根绳到这里,”他一边说,一边在空中比划着。

    ' From there , pulling a line to here , ' he said , making invisible drawings in the air

  25. 一团烟飘悬在空中。

    A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air .

  26. 许多鸟儿在空中飞翔。

    There were many birds flying in the air .

  27. 国旗在空中飘扬。

    The national flag is flying in the air .

  28. 飞机使人们能够在空中旅行。

    Airplanes enable people to travel through the air .

  29. 云朵飘浮在空中。

    Clouds are floating in the sky .

  30. 首次在空中航行的飞行器是气球。

    The first vehicles to navigate the air were balloons .