
  • The Hulk;Green Giant
  1. 影片角色出自斯坦?李(StanLee)之手,这位89岁的老人创作了绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Ironman)等经典形象。

    The character has been invented by Stan Lee , the 89-year-old creator of figures such as Hulk and Ironman .

  2. 钢铁侠,雷神托尔,绿巨人,美国船长和蜘蛛侠等等都让人啧啧称奇。

    Iron-man , Thor , Hulk , Captain America and Spiderman .

  3. 拉杰:你们知道谁是Marvel世界里最勇敢的人不?必须是给女绿巨人做比基尼蜜蜡脱毛那位仁兄。.选自《生活大爆炸》第四季第9集

    Raj : You know who 's got to be the bravest person in the Marvel Universe ?

  4. 如果你的眼光敏锐,你会发现所有的蜘蛛侠、所有的X战警、所有的神奇四侠以及绿巨人和夜魔侠的电影中,总会有一位消瘦的白发老人。

    If you keep a keen eye , you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies , all the X-Men movies , all the Fantastic Four movies , and the Hulk and Daredevil movie .

  5. 此后,绿巨人的扮演者马克鲁法洛(MarkRuffalo)也表示自己很有兴趣参演,但之前他也一直称尚无电影计划。

    Since then , the green behemoth himself , Mark Ruffalo , has expressed interest in a solo film , but has previously said there were no plans .

  6. 浩克(Hulk),本届杯赛巴西阵中一员,司职前锋。他之所以叫浩克,是因为他从小痴迷于漫画人物绿巨人浩克。

    Hulk , the star forward on the current Brazilian World Cup team , got his nickname because he was obsessed with the comic book character as a child .

  7. 绿巨人和托尔在4层研发层

    We have the Hulk and Thor on Research Level 4 .

  8. 钢铁侠,美国队长,雷神,绿巨人。

    Iron Man , Captain America , Thor , Hulk .

  9. 长官,绿巨人会把这里彻底毁掉的

    Sir , the Hulk will tear this place apart !

  10. 在《神奇绿巨人》发布预告片后,漫画迷们表现得欢心雀跃。

    The cartoon fans are delighted at the movie trailer of The Incredible Hulk .

  11. 白色的汗衫几乎裹不住这位伊朗绿巨人的浑身肌肉。

    The young man 's muscles can barely be contained inside his white vest .

  12. 你是说绿巨人…

    So you 're saying that the Hulk ...

  13. 除了绿巨人都看了。

    All of them except for hulk .

  14. 洛基想诱绿巨人变身

    Loki means to unleash the Hulk .

  15. 他们换掉了绿巨人的演员。

    They cast a different hulk .

  16. 她崇拜绿巨人浩克。

    She adores The Incredible Hulk .

  17. 领导者要有幽默感-影片接近结尾处,绿巨人两次歇斯底里发了飙。

    Humor Near the end of the movie , The Hulk twice did something absolutely hysterical .

  18. 所以迪斯尼就有了美国队长,雷神,绿巨人,

    So now Disney had access to Captain America and to Thor , The Incredible Hulk ,

  19. 他大号的体型以及结实的肌肉为他赢得了“绿巨人”、“大力神”等外号。

    His huge frame and bulging muscles have earned him the name of Hulk or Hercules .

  20. “绿巨人”第72集里布鲁斯班纳博士发现…

    In The Incredible Hulk , number 72 , Dr. Bruce Banner found .... You know ....

  21. 要是我呢就是上托尔嫁钢铁侠杀绿巨人

    Now see for me , it would be f Thor , marry Iron Man and kill Hulk

  22. 对于我来说,“绿巨人”是恐怖电影,对于我来说它是一部心理剧。

    To me , Hulk is really a horror film , and it 's a psychodrama to me .

  23. 一名举重运动员被冠以伊朗绿巨人的称号,因其彪悍的体型震惊了社交媒体。

    A huge weightlifter has been dubbed the Iranian Hulk after astounding social media with his sheer physical size .

  24. 为什么当我的女儿想要换装打扮时,无论是格鲁特还是绿巨人,

    Why is it that when my daughter dresses up , whether it 's Groot or The Incredible Hulk ,

  25. 说到律师,如果哪天我需要请律师,我绝对不会请女浩克。(绿巨人浩克的表妹,有弱化版的绿巨人变身能力,常为超级英雄们打官司)

    You know , speaking of attorneys , if I ever needed a lawyer , I would not hire She-Hulk .

  26. 英国一对情侣特蕾西与卫维恩近日在的婚礼中模仿《怪物史莱克》中男女主角造型亮相,了一场趣味的“卡通绿巨人婚礼”。

    Tracey and Viv Williams , a British couple , dressed as the green cartoon ogres from Shrek at their wedding held recently .

  27. 在漫画中维罗妮卡是贝蒂的死对头,而实际上绿巨人曾对一位叫贝蒂罗斯的人有爱慕之情。

    Veronica was the rival of Betty in those comics , and Hulk actually used to have a love interest named Betty Ross .

  28. 他是完美的绿巨人,我是说布鲁斯班纳。谁都可以演好绿巨人的那感觉。

    He was the perfect hulk in his movie , I mean Bruce Banner , I mean anyone can do a hulk impression .

  29. 你会发现,能找到的都是美国队长,绿巨人,钢铁侠或者雷神的服饰。

    what you will find , is you will find Captain America and The Incredible Hulk . You will find Iron Man and Thor .

  30. 毕竟,史莱克并非长相可爱、会讲话的动物,而是身形巨大、长相丑陋的绿巨人。这个形象俨然成了迪士尼的非正统派主角。

    After all , Shrek is not a cute talking animal but a big , ugly green giant , making him almost a Disney anti-hero .