
  • 网络dictionary;Online Dictionary
  1. 同时利用一个在线词典的例子详细的描述了该机制的工作原理,这对Web服务合成的整个理论框架以及其在业界中的实际应用都有很大的意义。

    Utilize operation principle of this mechanism of description with detailed example of an online dictionary at the same time , this makes sense ont only to the whole theoretic framework for services composition but also to its practical application in industry .

  2. Netlingo是一个网络和短信用语在线词典,ErinJansen是其创建者。

    Erin Jansen is founder of Netlingo , an online dictionary of Internet and text messaging terms .

  3. Duckface一词因为被收录进牛津在线词典而获得正式认可,这意味着,你那些拍照时爱嘟嘴的友敌们可以在2015年接着这么干。

    The term “ duck face ” has gained the legitimacy1 that can only be awarded by an entry into , meaning that frenemie of yours that keeps quacking2 it up for the camera can continue to do so into 2015 .

  4. “怒退”(玩游戏时队友不给力,被对方铲杀,愤怒退出)不久前才被收入牛津在线词典,不过“屏怒”一词被收录的可能行似乎并不大。

    Though ‘ rage-quit ' was recently added to , screen rage 's chances look less than stellar .

  5. 词源在线词典则声称,nitty-gritty第一次使用可以追溯到上世纪60年代,主要是黑人爵士音乐家在使用。

    The Online Etymology dictionary claims it was first used in the early 1960s , mainly by black jazz musicians .

  6. 与谷歌合作运行在线词典服务的软件公司金山软件(Kingsoft)表示,尚未考虑双方现有合同在10月份到期后该怎么办。

    Kingsoft , a software company which runs an online dictionary with Google , said it had not thought about what to do after their contract expires in October .

  7. 梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特在线词典表示,直到18世纪,这个词才被用来表示“一个人的成就或受欢迎程度达到顶峰的时期”。通常情况下,我们用单数形式的“heyday”。

    Meriam-Webster online dictionary says it was not until the 18th century that the word was used to mean " the period when one 's achievement or popularity has reached its zenith . " Usually , we use heyday in the singular form .

  8. 问题24柯林斯在线词典如何收集新兴词汇?

    Question 24 . How does the Colins online dictionary collect new words ?

  9. 电子词典主要分为掌上词典、个人电脑词典和在线词典。

    E-dictionary refers to palm e-dictionary , personal computer dictionary and on-line dictionary .

  10. 国内英汉在线词典的优势与存在的问题

    China 's Online English-Chinese Dictionaries : Advantages and Problems

  11. 看来我还得重新找一个在线词典以备以后使用了。

    So , I might as well find a new online dictionary for future use .

  12. 另外,你可以借助在线词典和其他语言资源来阅读。

    In addition you can access online dictionaries and other language resources which can help you .

  13. 柯林斯在线词典修订词条时曾向广大民众征询关于新兴词汇,短语等意见,

    Members of the public were invited to submit new words and phrases to the Collins online dictionary ,

  14. 如果需要,请使用在线词典和其他单词学习工具来丰富你的词汇。

    Don 't hesitate to use online dictionaries and other word learning systems for increasing your vocabulary , if you need to .

  15. 本文所研究和完成的工作如下:1.研究了国内外电子字典,百科全书,在线词典等产品的功能特点,发展趋势。

    The author studied the functions , features and the developing trends of domestic and foreign electronic dictionaries , encyclopedias and online dictionary products etc.2 .

  16. 以金山词霸为代表的个人电脑词典是目前市场上的主流,而在线词典则形成了发展的方向。

    The PC dictionaries , for instance , the Kingsoft Powenvord , are dominant on the current market , while the on-line dictionaries represent the future development .

  17. 考虑到词典使用研究需要科学的研究工具,本文致力于开发一个监视系统来获取在线词典的使用信息。

    In view of the strong needs of a scientific research tool to collect dictionary usage information , this study is devoted to developing a monitoring system .

  18. 近年来,沪江网更是推出了国内首个中英日三语在线词典&沪江小D,极大方便了全国语言学习者的在线学习。

    Over recent years , the team has developed the first tri-lingual ( Chinese-English-Japanese ) online dictionary , known as Little D , in China , which has greatly helped the online learners .

  19. 反映最新一波网络政治活动的新词已在这个数据库中组成了300多个新词条。牛津在线词典是《牛津英语大词典》的姐妹版。

    New coinages that reflect the latest wave of online political activism form a significant section of more than 300 new definitions in the database , which is a sister work to the Oxford English Dictionary .

  20. 该词已被收入牛津在线词典,其定义为:(一个男人)以一副居高临下的姿态向别人,通常为女性,解释某件事情。

    The word has been included in Oxford Dictionaries ' online database and is defined as : v. ( of a man ) explain something to someone , typically a woman , in a manner regarded as condescending and patronizing .

  21. 该词已被收入牛津在线词典,其定义为:“(一个男人)以一副居高临下的姿态向别人,通常为女性,解释某件事情。”

    The word has been included in Oxford Dictionaries " online database and is defined as : " v. ( of a man ) explain something to someone , typically a woman , in a manner regarded as condescending and patronizing . "

  22. 特朗普的语言技巧可能受人质疑,但这位美国总统的常用语已对英语造成了影响,这在最新增补的牛津在线词典中可见一斑。牛津在线词典是流行英语的参考指南。

    Donald Trump 's linguistic dexterity may be questionable , but the US president 's lexicon has had an impact on the English language , which is reflected in the latest additions to , the online reference guide to current English .

  23. 监视在线电子词典使用信息

    Monitoring Online Dictionary User Activities

  24. 在线语料库(电子语料库)以及在线词典(电子词典)为语言研究、词典研究和文字翻译提供了更为丰富的语言资源和更大的研究便利。

    Online linguistic corpuses and online dictionaries are contributing much to linguistic and lexicographical researches as well as translation studies by providing the researcher with far richer resources and greater facilitation .

  25. ·在线学习中遇到英语生词或中文难以表达的词汇,请使用在线词典查询。

    If you come across any new words , use the dictionary online at the left column .